Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

As many of you may of known, the long awaited Terminator TV series premiered last week, and just tonight it aired it's third episode.

What does everyone think? So far, it's looking pretty good. The CGI endoskeletons are a little cheap, and I don't like the whole girl terminator Cameron. She acts too human if you ask me. Although her model is suppose to act more human.

So, let's have it.

by Gotham95

17 years, 1 month ago

I've seen the first three episodes and I like it so far. I think it has lots of story potential also.

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

The biggest thing I like about it thus far is that it retconed T:3 out of existance….thank the lord.

Other than that. I kind of like it. no major gripes as of yet…but give me some time…I am sure there is something there

by IgnatzKaspir

17 years, 1 month ago

It's not bad. I thought it started out seeming kind of cheesy, but I really liked last week's episode. I still think, though, that Summer Glau's character is a bit awkward in that the writers can't seem to make up their mind as to how “human” she understands to behave. Sometimes she seems kind of believable as a real person, and other times she comes off as obviously being an android. Like, for example, before we knew she was a terminator, she seemed like a real girl in her mannerisms and such, but in last week's episode she seemed to obviously be an android when talking to the girls in the bathroom. BTW, was there a new episode tonight? I had to work.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

No. It was a repeat of the first episode. Next week is suppose to be new though.

by Pandamar

17 years, 1 month ago

Ignatz Kaspir
It's not bad. I thought it started out seeming kind of cheesy, but I really liked last week's episode. I still think, though, that Summer Glau's character is a bit awkward in that the writers can't seem to make up their mind as to how “human” she understands to behave. Sometimes she seems kind of believable as a real person, and other times she comes off as obviously being an android. Like, for example, before we knew she was a terminator, she seemed like a real girl in her mannerisms and such, but in last week's episode she seemed to obviously be an android when talking to the girls in the bathroom. BTW, was there a new episode tonight? I had to work.

The reason for this is that the pilot was filmed before the other episodes and was shown to executives as well as some fans as a sort of test. When the series was greenlit that gave them the time to fully develop her as a character and give her a story arc.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

The reason for this is that the pilot was filmed before the other episodes and was shown to executives as well as some fans as a sort of test. When the series was greenlit that gave them the time to fully develop her as a character and give her a story arc.

The “test pilot” though wasn't much different then the one that was aired on TV. Still, I don't like the human aspect of her much, but it's still early so who knows what might happen.

by gbuster1a

17 years, 1 month ago

Has anybody noticed that towards the end of the intro, there is a famous sound effect in there, more specifically the sound of a proton pack stream? lol. Its when theyre finishing assembling the t-800 head, listen closely and youll hear it.

by trp81284

17 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, GBuster1a, I totally heard that. When the show came on, I was looking away from the TV. I heard that sound and quickly looked up. I had DVRed it, so I rewound it and listened again. It's is definitely a proton pack.

Every time-travel franchise has certain rules. The terminator rules, set in the first movie, were that only one individual could go through a time portal. That individual could not wear clothes or take any weapons; I'm assuming because everything would meld together into a single mass upon exiting the portal. In this show, they totally disregarded the franchise's own rule. All three of them went through the same portal, wearing clothes, and came out naked on the other side. If it were possible to send back multiple individuals in a single time warp, wouldn't the machines have sent back a dozen robots in the first movie to kill Sarah?

But if you disregard that little thing, it's a pretty good show. I'll be watching.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Never really noticed the proton pack sound, despite me trying to catch every single second of the show.

I'll have to look up the episodes I taped. :p