I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes can't remember exactly with great hopes, however I've been disappointed. My main complaint is that it doesn't showcase Sarah Conner very well. The biggest thing from the movies I liked had to be Sarah. I mean she was just such a bada**. In the series so far she just doesn't give me that vibe. It's like she's just a regular soccer mom, with some basic survival skills. I mean in T2 she was really tough, you could have thought she was a Navy Seal or something. That's my biggest complaint about the series and for me ruins everything, John also seems to be pretty weak almost too whiney.
I kinda like the chick terminator, friend of John, whole thing, but it just doesn't do it for me. I think they need to make up thier mind with her personality. Is she more human acting, or more terminator acting. I think that she needs to be based on a terminators way of acting. She just doesn't seem very tough, that if a terminator like the one in T2 showed up she wouldn't be able to hold her own against it. I just think the casting for this series was bad.
Now I know for a TV series to main a hit they really need a story to keep the average view hooked to see what's going to happen next week. But the reason 1 and 2 were so good was the action. I didn't like 3 or this series is because there just isn't the action. In 3 it seemed like everyone was just a bunch of wusses even the terminator and it didn't tie up very well at the end. I mean how did they escape from the bunker, how did they survive it didnt look like there was food. It was just too story based and it wasn't a very good story to be base on that as with this TV series.
Now there are a couple good points. I really like the special effects. For a TV series I'm glad they held up on that because a lot of TV series wouldn't have focused on the effects. It looks up to par with the movies, which surprised me and is the only reason I watch it. Ok maybe there was only one thing I liked.
I keep watching only in hoped that the series gets better. I know it's new and that's why I'm still giving it a chance. I think if they really wanted the series to be hit they should have approached it like this.
I think the series should have been set after the 3rd movie. The survival of John Connor, and the war on the machines. Then I think as the series would come to an end however many seasons it would play out, they would come out with the final movie. The movie where they win the war against the machines and how the human race recovers and what they learn through thier trials. I mean in the 3rd film you learn they won the war, but a terminator still kills John and his wife sends him back through time. Why if the war was over was the machines still attacking, is it like in WW2 the Japanesedidn't know Germany had been defeated? If the main system was destroyed, the machines didn't recieve a update or email or something however they communicate lol, stating to give up?
I just think if the series was based during the war it would have been better. Then the follow-up movie would be a hit because the series would have ppl interested in it again since it's been awhile the fan base isn't as big. Ppl would have been watching the war and ready to see the end adding anticipation.
Does anyone agree with anything I said?