Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

by inebriantia

17 years, 1 month ago

I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes can't remember exactly with great hopes, however I've been disappointed. My main complaint is that it doesn't showcase Sarah Conner very well. The biggest thing from the movies I liked had to be Sarah. I mean she was just such a bada**. In the series so far she just doesn't give me that vibe. It's like she's just a regular soccer mom, with some basic survival skills. I mean in T2 she was really tough, you could have thought she was a Navy Seal or something. That's my biggest complaint about the series and for me ruins everything, John also seems to be pretty weak almost too whiney.

I kinda like the chick terminator, friend of John, whole thing, but it just doesn't do it for me. I think they need to make up thier mind with her personality. Is she more human acting, or more terminator acting. I think that she needs to be based on a terminators way of acting. She just doesn't seem very tough, that if a terminator like the one in T2 showed up she wouldn't be able to hold her own against it. I just think the casting for this series was bad.

Now I know for a TV series to main a hit they really need a story to keep the average view hooked to see what's going to happen next week. But the reason 1 and 2 were so good was the action. I didn't like 3 or this series is because there just isn't the action. In 3 it seemed like everyone was just a bunch of wusses even the terminator and it didn't tie up very well at the end. I mean how did they escape from the bunker, how did they survive it didnt look like there was food. It was just too story based and it wasn't a very good story to be base on that as with this TV series.

Now there are a couple good points. I really like the special effects. For a TV series I'm glad they held up on that because a lot of TV series wouldn't have focused on the effects. It looks up to par with the movies, which surprised me and is the only reason I watch it. Ok maybe there was only one thing I liked.

I keep watching only in hoped that the series gets better. I know it's new and that's why I'm still giving it a chance. I think if they really wanted the series to be hit they should have approached it like this.

I think the series should have been set after the 3rd movie. The survival of John Connor, and the war on the machines. Then I think as the series would come to an end however many seasons it would play out, they would come out with the final movie. The movie where they win the war against the machines and how the human race recovers and what they learn through thier trials. I mean in the 3rd film you learn they won the war, but a terminator still kills John and his wife sends him back through time. Why if the war was over was the machines still attacking, is it like in WW2 the Japanesedidn't know Germany had been defeated? If the main system was destroyed, the machines didn't recieve a update or email or something however they communicate lol, stating to give up?

I just think if the series was based during the war it would have been better. Then the follow-up movie would be a hit because the series would have ppl interested in it again since it's been awhile the fan base isn't as big. Ppl would have been watching the war and ready to see the end adding anticipation.

Does anyone agree with anything I said?

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

They're already going to be doing a fourth Terminator, so there would be no real point of having it continue after T3. A lot of fans are actually glad they ignored Terminator 3.

I agree Sarah is a little under played in the series, but again, it's still early. Things will probably change.

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

A lot of fans are actually glad they ignored Terminator 3.


by inebriantia

17 years, 1 month ago

Peter Venkmen
They're already going to be doing a fourth Terminator, so there would be no real point of having it continue after T3. A lot of fans are actually glad they ignored Terminator 3.

That's my point, ppl ignored T3 so they need something to move on from T2. T4 will probably be based on the war, and there are a couple ways they'll go. They'll have the movie on the war, not finish it, so they can make a T5. Or they will finish the story and they won't end it properly. It'll show them winning the war, and then nothing after that which will leave a lot of us unsatisfied. I will want to know all the stuff that happens after the war. How they rebuild, do they still use machines, do they learn anything, those type of questions.

By basing the series on the war it would give the movie the opportunity to wrap things up, which would cap it off nicely after and leave fans settled and forgetting the T3 film.

I don't think the timeline they're using is bad it definatly works if they do it correctly, but they aren't.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

You realize the budget they would have to get if the series was based on the war? It would have to be higher than it is now. I don't know the budget, but right now it's pretty high.

by inebriantia

17 years, 1 month ago

Oh yeah I agree with you on that. The series I discussed wouldn't ever be made. It would cost too much, the fact that it's as nice as it is right now is awesome, that's the main reason I watch it, it's almost like a movie. I was just merely stating ideas, promoting conversation, and stating what I like. I would like GB3 the movie as would we all, but doesn't mean it will happen, but we'll always talk about how it should be made and stuff, lol. I just like spouting ideas and opinions every now and then.

by EctoGT

17 years ago


thats the opening, at about 28 seconds youll hear the proton beam. its really short, but it sounds too similar to not be it

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

I think I've heard the proton pack sound in other places too, I just can't remember where.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years ago

I noticed the proton steam as well. Does anyone know what actually makes the sound effect, ie: what did they use back when making GB for that sound?

In regards to T3. I thought the show was supposed to be set between T2 and T3 - so they're not really ignoring T3 - they are simply leading up to it, without changing the timeline too much. We as the audience are just supposed to enjoy watching them go from point A to point B.

by inebriantia

17 years ago

Holy Crap! Your right that's freakin crazy at least to me anyways. At the end of the sound the “shhhhuuuup” sounds like my Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Force FX lightsaber. When you turn them off they make like a “ssshhuuuupp” like sound that sounds like the sound at the end of the proton pack sound. Listen carefully if you know how one of the FFX LSbers sound you might recognize it, well that is if they all sound alike, I've only heard mine and Darth Vader but DV's was bout 2 yrs ago when they first came out and my g/f got me one for our anniversary.