Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

In regards to T3. I thought the show was supposed to be set between T2 and T3 - so they're not really ignoring T3 - they are simply leading up to it, without changing the timeline too much.

No, they're ignoring it completely. Nothing leads up to T3. It's in it's own timeline, that only follows Terminator and T2. So theres two terminator timelines. The movie which is The Terminator, T2 and T3.

Then the TV series, which is The Terminator, T2, Sarah Connor Chronicles.

by fusi0n1

17 years ago

I am kinda digging it, only 2 episodes have been aired so far down under.

I too noticed the very weird characterisms of Cameron, but it doesn't bother me too much.

And I also agree with others that Sarah just isn't portrayed the same way as she was in T2.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Season Finale is next Monday!

This weeks episode wasn't bad. Dr. Silberman came back lol. The actor is probably the LEAST closest to the actual actor, he didn't look anything like the Earl Boen. His preformance wasn't bad though.

The video tapes that were suppose to be the ones from T2 where in there, and honestly, I think that was Lena Headey's best Sarah Connor preformance so far.

by misfit1

17 years ago

I wanted to enjoy this.

Unfortunately, it was so bad I couldn't make it past the first episode.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

The series has gotten better after the first episode. The pilot wasn't good, definitely not a good way to start the series. But it's gotten better.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years ago

I just watched the ep from this week - and I enjoyed it. Venkmen, I agree that the actor playing the doctor looked nothing like the movie, but he did a good job. When we were just seeing the videos near the beginning, I figured they were just never going to show the face because they couldn't get the real guy. But it worked out well. Poetic justice from the movies.

The finale should be really good. 2-hour special airing. The season has really built itself up from the first ep and has a good story arc going at the moment.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Well, last two episodes premeired. Great finale, but 9 episodes for 1 season? Haven't heard anything about second season renewal though, I hope they do, cause it was pretty big cliff hanger.


16 years, 10 months ago


by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago


Excuse me?

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

He probably figures it's an indication that the series might get cancelled.