The countdown to Midnight has begun...

by Nix

15 years, 12 months ago

Well, the great Roger Ebert gave it 4/4 stars, and he said he's going to see it again, so I guess we're good to go.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 12 months ago

Went back and saw it again 24 hours later. Caught a lot of things I didn't see before. People usually do a doubletake when I tell them that Roschach's played by the motorcycle kid from “Bad News Bears”.

Other movies I've only seen twice in the theaters:

- Jackass
- Devil's Rejects
- Dark Knight (3rd time was at IMAX)

On a side note, this thread should be resurrected in October to have everyone post how many Roschach's they see on Halloween.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 12 months ago

Anyone happen to notice that the reactor that Jon was making for Adrian was named S.Q.U.I.D.?

Nice little reference to the events of the comic left out.

by Dr.D

15 years, 12 months ago

I was waiting to hear that someone else saw that.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 12 months ago

My two cents worth:

Was a very entertaining and engaging movie for a graphic novel many claimed to have been unfilmable. It was slow at points but all movies are. I was surprised at actually how close to the source material the movie actually stayed. Sure there were small changes here and there but we are talking about Hollywood after all and I personally felt most (key word here being most) of these changes helped the movie and didn’t bring it down.

I heard a few people complain that they thought the action was too over the top…but I personally thought that this helped the movie.

Was it perfect? By no means. Was it excellently executed? Definitely. Was it entertaining? Most definitely. Who watches the Watchmen? me again…this weekend.

by Nix

15 years, 12 months ago

I recently found something on, a cartoon that answers the question, “What would WATCHMEN look like if it were a Saturday morning cartoon?”

Here it is:

You'll laugh yourself silly and moan in revulsion at the same time, I guarantee you. This thing is so funny, yet so wrong in so many ways.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 12 months ago

Saw that on Youtube and Gametrailers the day I went to go see Watchmen in Theaters. Actually was Hilarious.

“Rorschach is friends to the animals”

Nite Owl: “Ya when he is not clowning around”

Rorschach: “I'm Nutty.”

by demonaz

15 years, 12 months ago

I'm prob gonna go see in in IMAX!

by Nix

15 years, 11 months ago

Saw that on Youtube and Gametrailers the day I went to go see Watchmen in Theaters. Actually was Hilarious.

And yet, the sad part is, that's exactly the kind of show that kids might watch within the Watchmen universe.