The Cry for the Demo!

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

Hey guys/girls,

Well as the thread already says it. The people at Terminal Reality are going to release the demo near june. I don't know why they are gonna release ( I will still buy it) cuz I live in the Netherlands and I don't want to spend money to play this beast at a convention in the USA. I can't wait this long maybe they are afraid that the game sucks to the majority of the gamers and they won't buy it but come on can't you just release it in April or March. From what I have seen. I want it and I want it bad. If the demo sucks i'm still buying the game even if it costs a $100 buck. I don't give a S#$T. I know this is the wrong board ( I didn't want to registrate at Atari) but I needed to get this of my chest.(*egon) Come on, please the fans for bringing out the demo earlier and Skanker tell those guys at TR that they really have to update the site cuz it's old:-) hehe

by RickyM

16 years ago

lol well am sure nobody is against an earlier release but am also sure everybody is simply grateful that after everything that went on we are actually getting it in june, so patience is our very last hurdle

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Usually I have seen demo for games come out about a month earlier before the game. Probably about the same time the game goes gold.

Although I have seen some demos come out a few months before.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

I personally wouldn't expect to see a demo until early May / late April….possibly late March / early April at the soonest.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

lol well am sure nobody is against an earlier release but am also sure everybody is simply grateful that after everything that went on we are actually getting it in june, so patience is our very last hurdle

It is the last hurdle…but it is also the hardest one to make.

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

Scott Sommer;136171
It is the last hurdle…but it is also the hardest one to make.

I agree therefor this thread

by JonXCTrack

16 years ago

I don't understand the decision to release a demo until early June. It's a given that the hardcore fans of Ghostbusters already know about this game and will buy it. It's the average gamer that isn't necessarily a rabid fan that Atari/TR need to get on board if this is to turn into a franchise. One would think that the powers that be would want to release a free demo at least a month prior to the release of the game to generate hype amongst non-ghostheads. It takes time for word of mouth to do its job and 2 weeks isn't going to cut it in my opinion.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

I doubt they will wait till June to release a demo….but you never know these days. After all Konami waited until 4 months AFTER the release of MGS4 before they released a demo…

by skankerzero

16 years ago

common practice is 2 weeks before release.