The Cry for the Demo!

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

That's too close IMHO. What's the point of buying the demo, if the game is going to be released a little over a week later?

I mean haven't we suffered the wait enough?! Instead of making us wait all this time (as if 3 years is too long!), they could release the demo now, and be done with it, because, I don't know about you guys, but if it does get released that close to the game's release, I'm gonna pass!(*peter)

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

common practice is 2 weeks before release.

Yeah, that is true. I can name dozens of examples that has the demo out 2 weeks for release , Empire Total war

That's too close IMHO. What's the point of buying the demo, if the game is going to be released a little over a week later?

I mean haven't we suffered the wait enough?! Instead of making us wait all this time (as if 3 years is too long!), they could release the demo now, and be done with it, because, I don't know about you guys, but if it does get released that close to the game's release, I'm gonna pass!(*peter)

No one said of buying a demo, I meant the game itself and i agree with you on the pass of the demo that's close to the release.

by JonXCTrack

16 years ago

Capcom released the demo for RE5 2 months before the release date.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

You don't ‘buy’ demos. They're free.

If you release too early, you run the risk of blowing your wad before your game comes out.

The whole reason to release a demo is to entice people to buy your game. You give them just enough that it's still fresh in their minds when the game comes out.

Resident Evil and such can release a month before because they're Resident Evil. They don't have to even release a demo to sell their game.

Also, you want your demo to be as up to date as possible. releasing a demo now means that it was compiled at least a month before. A month in game development can mean wonders. If you release a demo too early it may run the risk of turning people off because something isn't finalized.

When releasing to the masses, you should always put your best foot forward. That's why most demos come out 2 weeks before the game's release.

by CrashOV

16 years ago

Also, you should be reminded that mostly demo's are not for people who just cant wait till the game is released. But for those who are still undesided on wether they want to buy the game.

So in truth there is no point for most of us to get a demo since we have already desided. You will just have to wait till release. I know it's not easy but you'll survive.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

As a reminder, I've been working on this game for just over 3 years. I want this game out as much as you guys do. So I can finally sit back and relax for a bit.

I've managed to somehow dodge all the story elements and major spoilers somehow. So I'll be able to play through it when it comes out and still be surprised.

by RickyM

16 years ago

dude its 3 months, lol not long now, i am actually very calm now and have accepted the wait, i just got saints row 2 and godfather 2 comes out april 10th and this is what i do to pass the time, PLAY THE SHIT OUT OF THEM'

(oh and saints row 2 kicks ass bigtime, LOVE IT, easy rival to GTA)

by skankerzero

16 years ago

saints row 2 is one of my all time favorite games. I play it A LOT.

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

If you release a demo too early it may run the risk of turning people off because something isn't finalized.

When releasing to the masses, you should always put your best foot forward. That's why most demos come out 2 weeks before the game's release.

Well SkankerZero I'm a huge fan of the Total War series. I don't know if you know them but the people at Creative Assembly decided last week to put the demo out for Empire Total War. Today I got the gold copy and can say I LOVE IT to finally play Total War with my own country the Netherlands ( United provinces) but my point is the Demo they released a week ago sucked and the game ROCKS. The game ran slow on my PC, much of glitches and bugs. But the golden one ran like a charm. Conclusion = demo sucked and I still bought it(luckily i know what i'm buying). But why won't they bring out the demo of last year in the library polished and well. The people interested in it will still buy it. The people who are not interested in it will or won't buy it. Are the sales that much depending of how the demo is doing ? Do you know what I think MARKETING and the demo is just a part of it. Let the people play this beast hype them even more, make commercials, let guys in ghostbusters jumpsuits run around malls and stuff announce that the game/anniversary is coming in june, prepare a nice campaign for europe ( not knowing of a budget of course) the no ghost logo is one of the most recognized symbols in the world eventually it will sell itself (but don't count on it of course) do it a couple of months before the release and not in june when the game is coming. But with the anniversary coming I won't blame them for the perfect opportunity. But after all I don't know when the campaign starts

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

But why won't they bring out the demo of last year in the library polished and well. The people interested in it will still buy it. The people who are not interested in it will or won't buy it. Are the sales that much depending of how the demo is doing ? Do you know what I think MARKETING and the demo is just a part of it. Let the people play this beast hype them even more, make commercials, let guys in ghostbusters jumpsuits run around malls and stuff announce that the game/anniversary is coming in june, prepare a nice campaign for europe ( not knowing of a budget of course) the no ghost logo is one of the most recognized symbols in the world eventually it will sell itself (but don't count on it of course) do it a couple of months before the release and not in june when the game is coming. But with the anniversary coming I won't blame them for the perfect opportunity. But after all I don't know when the campaign starts

As skanker said, things are continuously getting polished. That library level has surely been touched up and changed. The demo of the high-rise where you're battling Stay Puft was awesome (I played it at NYCC) and sure I'd love to play it right now as soon as I get home from work, but like skanker said, this is just the typical marketing strategy. They want it to be as polished as it can be with little to no changes between the demo and the final game. If they release a demo now, it would surely have changes by the time the game comes out, and they don't want that.