The Cry for the Demo!

by skankerzero

16 years ago

Well SkankerZero I'm a huge fan of the Total War series. I don't know if you know them but the people at Creative Assembly decided last week to put the demo out for Empire Total War. Today I got the gold copy and can say I LOVE IT to finally play Total War with my own country the Netherlands ( United provinces) but my point is the Demo they released a week ago sucked and the game ROCKS. The game ran slow on my PC, much of glitches and bugs. But the golden one ran like a charm. Conclusion = demo sucked and I still bought it(luckily i know what i'm buying). But why won't they bring out the demo of last year in the library polished and well. The people interested in it will still buy it. The people who are not interested in it will or won't buy it. Are the sales that much depending of how the demo is doing ? Do you know what I think MARKETING and the demo is just a part of it. Let the people play this beast hype them even more, make commercials, let guys in ghostbusters jumpsuits run around malls and stuff announce that the game/anniversary is coming in june, prepare a nice campaign for europe ( not knowing of a budget of course) the no ghost logo is one of the most recognized symbols in the world eventually it will sell itself (but don't count on it of course) do it a couple of months before the release and not in june when the game is coming. But with the anniversary coming I won't blame them for the perfect opportunity. But after all I don't know when the campaign starts

As you said, you're a huge fan of Total War, so you didn't really need a demo. Since I know nothing of it, I would have downloaded it, played it, saw that it sucked and not bought it. Demos are a way of getting the non hardcore fans to play your game.

The Library demo is so out of date that I cringe when I see it still being shown. So much has changed since then.

Things change up until the final minute. Just look at the PKE from that demo to the NYCC demo. Things have changed since the NYCC demo as well.

Last thing we would want is to show something that's not representative of our game.

June's not far away.

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

Well I totally agree with you SkankerZero.

It's coming out after my birthday june 8 well this is the perfect present and I mean perfect present.

Well I'm not going to bother you anymore :-) with it but this was just a frustration that needed to get out from not having to opportunity to play this game.

But I have been waiting for this since the NES Games roughly said TWENTY years. So the couple of months does not matter. So I don't know if your work on the Ghostbusters is done or still have someting to do. I hope you and your team make the best of it . !PEACE!

by Heslimedme80

16 years ago

Well I totally agree with you SkankerZero.

It's coming out after my birthday june 8 well this is the perfect present and I mean perfect present.

Well I'm not going to bother you anymore :-) with it but this was just a frustration that needed to get out from not having to opportunity to play this game.

But I have been waiting for this since the NES Games roughly said TWENTY years. So the couple of months does not matter. So I don't know if your work on the Ghostbusters is done or still have someting to do. I hope you and your team make the best of it . !PEACE!


my b-day is june 10th and i cant wait for this game too.:-)

wouldnt mind playing any demo at this point even an outdated one it still looked very fun.

by austinthe5thgb

16 years ago

have you all forgotten the awsome sega ghostbusters game, all i hear is about the nes games. play the ghostbusters for sega to tide ya over, u fight stay puft

by rodie1

16 years ago

I'm cool with the demo being released just a few weeks before (if it were released now people might forget about it). I think demos are a very important part of gaming now, I personally wouldn't buy a game that I was unfamiliar with until I played the demo (for example even though Fallout 3 has some of the best reviews of the year, I don't want to buy it because of the lack of a demo). I will say though that I think it is lame that there are no videos or screenshots on XBox to d/l. I do think that at this point that is a missed opportunity.

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

You don't ‘buy’ demos. They're free.
I meant to say, get. Sorry.(*peter)

by Kingpin

16 years ago

As a reminder, I've been working on this game for just over 3 years. I want this game out as much as you guys do. So I can finally sit back and relax for a bit.

I've managed to somehow dodge all the story elements and major spoilers somehow. So I'll be able to play through it when it comes out and still be surprised.

I'm amazed to hear that, having worked at a cinema the best way to avoid spoilers was to A) Try see the film in question in the first available period where you're off work B) Try schedule security checks to avoid any screens showing the film in question (this would be next to impossible if it were a highly anticipated, big summer blockbuster… so A would be the preferable plan), I can't even imagine how difficult it'd be to avoid spoilers in a game creation environment… so good to hear you'll be able to play it spoiler free this summer.

by JonathanArcher

16 years ago

So…the same month as the game? *facepalm* No offense, but to me, thats a bit odd since well, why would you just not wait the 2 weeks and get the game?

June's not far away.

Speak for yourself man, June is far away to me.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

Jonathan Archer;136281
So…the same month as the game? *facepalm* No offense, but to me, thats a bit odd since well, why would you just not wait the 2 weeks and get the game?

Again, the demo isn't for people that are going to already buy the game. It's for the people on the fence. They're released close to release so the game is fresh in people's mind. Same reaason trailers for movies are put out 2 weeks before release. Any earlier and it's a waste.

Demos aren't ‘play this while you wait for our game’, they're ‘hey, try this and see if you like it, if you do, it’ll be out soon'.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Again, the demo isn't for people that are going to already buy the game. It's for the people on the fence. They're released close to release so the game is fresh in people's mind. Same reaason trailers for movies are put out 2 weeks before release. Any earlier and it's a waste.

Demos aren't ‘play this while you wait for our game’, they're ‘hey, try this and see if you like it, if you do, it’ll be out soon'.

Sort of like the food samples they give out in the stores.

This is not the meal, this is to let you taste it see if it suits your taste buds. If it does then perhaps you would like to buy the real stuff and enjoy it.

Demo's to me serve two purposes if I am going to get the game regardless.
1. Practice with the controls: I hate playing a new game only to have myself fumble with the controls. A demo helps me get used to the controls so I can play the final version with ease and not be frustrated.

2. Interactive movie trailer: Self explanatory, but it works like me seeing a movie trailer. It pumps me up for the final game.

If a demo does come out, even if it is really short, I would still play it and DL it because it is fun to see what was used in the final version to make the demo because demos are usually made up of several major and minor samples from the whole game.