The Cry for the Demo!

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

have you all forgotten the awsome sega ghostbusters game, all i hear is about the nes games. play the ghostbusters for sega to tide ya over, u fight stay puft

Oh yeah man, this one for the genisis is the best one till date. I love the tall building when stay puft MM is smashing through the windows to get you and like what the Angry Video Game Nerd said WTF for the coffeecups the really took a long time to kill. Even stay puft goes down with less shots hehe

by austinthe5thgb

16 years ago

you know i once thought that the story from that game would be the story for this game when i saw the stay puft level, and the last level when u fight the possessed ghostbusters was saweet

by Whisk

16 years ago

i actually enjoyed the master system version a lot (way superior to the NES version).

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

you know i once thought that the story from that game would be the story for this game when i saw the stay puft level, and the last level when u fight the possessed ghostbusters was saweet

I don't mean to correct you or something , but were did you see the possessed ghostbusters. Because in the genesis game the don't show up only a Womanized GrimReaper

by heslimedme251

16 years ago

nope there were definetly possessed versions of them in the genesis game. they were on the castle level one before the deep hole level…you had to fight and rescue them!

by RickyM

16 years ago


my b-day is june 10th and i cant wait for this game too.:-)

wouldnt mind playing any demo at this point even an outdated one it still looked very fun.

june 5th right here what a present

by rodie1

16 years ago

The demo for the new Chronicles of Riddick game from Atari was released today for 360 and the release date is April 7th. So maybe this means we could see a demo in mid May?

by RickyM

16 years ago

i'd put my money on mid may to be honest, sounds perfect

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

nope there were definetly possessed versions of them in the genesis game. they were on the castle level one before the deep hole level…you had to fight and rescue them!

Yup I must apologize you were completely right. I got my mega drive out had it dusted finished the game and yes after the earthquake and after a few bosses I encountered. Completely forgot them.(*egon)

Well I hope it's mid may. But I still think june cuz Riddick already got released as a xbox title and maybe its a revamped level of the original..


16 years ago

yup I remember that!
you had to shoot the ghost above the character to defeat them.