The Dark Knight

by gobluemichman

16 years, 7 months ago

I gotta say that I like Batmans voice in the movie, ya hes trying a lil hard but hey hes still learning on the job right. I think that Bale does a great voice but i didnt know that Batman had a mic in this head set….

******just heard on the radio out of Chicago that Johnny Depp is rumored to be playing the Riddler and the Peguine will be in the movie. I looked at both and and could not prove this but if you see this please post******

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

Not too sure how likely the Penguin's gonna be, but the Riddler is certainly achievable.

And Johnny Depp would be an interesting casting choice… but so far I'm just going to sit back and wait as at the moment this seems a bit like the wild speculation that always follows a movie of this stature.

by gobluemichman

16 years, 7 months ago

I will say the problem/cool thing with the new Batman is….

problem: it is almost as if the “new batman world” is too “real” to have guys like Mr. Freeze, killer kroc, Penguin, and maybe Bain. Its almost as if you have to have “real life” villians or criminals to do the new movies. Thats what i think…

Cool!: The cool thing is that everything in the “new Batman world” everything we see the bads guys do is to somewhat real, not that I like the idea of a Joker type person running around but its possible. But from the Bat Moblie to the bat pod and all of Batmans weapons are some what possible in real life. Did anyone catch the “History Channel's Batman Tech”? Its really a great show and its cool that all of those weapons and tools are possible.

by misfit1

16 years, 7 months ago

Killer croc is already established in the nolanverse. He henched for scarecrow when he was based in the old gotham pnumatic system.

by gobluemichman

16 years, 7 months ago

Killer croc is already established in the nolanverse. He henched for scarecrow when he was based in the old gotham pnumatic system.

Ahhh!!!! I see. The story for Killer Croc was the dvd release of the Gotham night Right? I seen the Gotham Night not a bad show either, it was really good I thought.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Depending on how he is done, Bane could also be achievable as a villain.

Anything is better than his depiction in Batman and Robin….

by GuyCC

16 years, 7 months ago

This movie was so ridiculously good.

I need to see it again. It was pretty brilliant.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

Bane's easily done. He's just a dude on steroids.

I would rather not see him so soon though. The character's only worth using if you actually adapt Knightfall, and you can't do a story about the importance of passing on and then reclaiming a mantle unless the character in question is a veteran and the value of his mantle and the people he must choose from to pass it on to have been thoroughly established.

In short, first Robin, then Nightwing, THEN Bane.

And I don't care to hear any “they should never introduce Robin” crap. The fact of the matter is, Bruce realizing that Gotham will ALWAYS need Batman and that he needs to take on a protege, to ensure there'll still be one after he's gone, is a good story that needs to be told. And Robin's cheerful, optimistic personality has always been the light in the dark abyss of Batman's world that prevents him from going as crazy as his villains and becoming just another kill-crazy vigilante like Punisher or Azrael.

Robin is a crucial part of the Batman mythos. Just because you've not yet seen it done right doesn't mean it can't BE done right. If Nolan and Bale don't want to do it, that's fine, they're making “early years” movies anyway. The guy after them can take a crack at it and I hope he's actually good at his job and it's not the Burton-to-Schumacher transition all over again.

And there's no goddamn reason to make comic book movies if you're not eventually going to make SOME sort of effort to catch up to the comics.

I would REALLY like to see a film with Tim Drake and Oracle in it before I die of old age, y'know?

And would a World's Finest and Justice League movie where the guys playing Batman and Superman are the same guys who actually played them in their own movies kill anybody? Marvel doesn't seem to be having any problems making THEIR universe connect in a logical and entertaining manner.

by cj1

16 years, 7 months ago

Bane's easily done. He's just a dude on steroids.

I would rather not see him so soon though. The character's only worth using if you actually adapt Knightfall, and you can't do a story about the importance of passing on and then reclaiming a mantle unless the character in question is a veteran and the value of his mantle and the people he must choose from to pass it on to have been thoroughly established.

In short, first Robin, then Nightwing, THEN Bane.

And I don't care to hear any “they should never introduce Robin” crap. The fact of the matter is, Bruce realizing that Gotham will ALWAYS need Batman and that he needs to take on a protege, to ensure there'll still be one after he's gone, is a good story that needs to be told. And Robin's cheerful, optimistic personality has always been the light in the dark abyss of Batman's world that prevents him from going as crazy as his villains and becoming just another kill-crazy vigilante like Punisher or Azrael.

Robin is a crucial part of the Batman mythos. Just because you've not yet seen it done right doesn't mean it can't BE done right. If Nolan and Bale don't want to do it, that's fine, they're making “early years” movies anyway. The guy after them can take a crack at it and I hope he's actually good at his job and it's not the Burton-to-Schumacher transition all over again.

And there's no goddamn reason to make comic book movies if you're not eventually going to make SOME sort of effort to catch up to the comics.

I would REALLY like to see a film with Tim Drake and Oracle in it before I die of old age, y'know?

And would a World's Finest and Justice League movie where the guys playing Batman and Superman are the same guys who actually played them in their own movies kill anybody? Marvel doesn't seem to be having any problems making THEIR universe connect in a logical and entertaining manner.

The last scoop I'd heard about the JLA movie was that Brandon Routh wasn't going to be Superman in it, but this was back in January.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

The JLA movie got scrapped months ago.

They gave up on it not long after they realized their genius plan of hiring an Australian director and filming in Australia wouldn't get them Australian tax breaks, because they're still making an American studio's movie (about the Justice League of America, no less) and those breaks are meant for Aussie indie pictures.

Which is good news since every SINGLE piece of news I'd heard about the thing sounded goddamn awful.

Seriously, introduce Wonder Woman, Flash, and GL first, THEN make a Justice League movie. What's so hard about that?