The Dark Knight

by gobluemichman

16 years, 7 months ago

The JLA movie got scrapped months ago.

They gave up on it not long after they realized their genius plan of hiring an Australian director and filming in Australia wouldn't get them Australian tax breaks, because they're still making an American studio's movie (about the Justice League of America, no less) and those breaks are meant for Aussie indie pictures.

Which is good news since every SINGLE piece of news I'd heard about the thing sounded goddamn awful.

Seriously, introduce Wonder Woman, Flash, and GL first, THEN make a Justice League movie. What's so hard about that?

Man you hit the nail right on the head cause if marvel can do it than y not DC I think all of the JLA superheros can have a movie of there own they all have great stories and a great twist and that would be great to have all the same actors to cont. their hero. I did see that Batman vs Superman is gonna happen tho…

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

I will say the problem/cool thing with the new Batman is….

problem: it is almost as if the “new batman world” is too “real” to have guys like Mr. Freeze, killer kroc, Penguin, and maybe Bain. Its almost as if you have to have “real life” villians or criminals to do the new movies. Thats what i think…

Why's the Penguin so hard to imagine? In the current comics, for example, he's portrayed as a fairly common criminal whom Batman goes to for information in exchange for turning a blind bat's eye to his more…shall we say, shady, operations. (Just between you and me, however, all Batman needs is one good excuse to send Penguin's house of cards crashing to the ground.)

Mr. Freeze, on the other hand…I do admit you have a good point in regards to him. Perhaps a guy who douses his victims in liquid nitrogen? (*_*)

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

I've heard a lot of people suggest Freeze would work in the Nolanverse if it was just a liquid nitrogen gun, and frankly I agree.

Besides, I think some people are missing the point. The reason the Nolanverse is so realistic is because this is only year one. The whole POINT of The Dark Knight is the idea that Gotham is changing from a town ruled by the mob to a town ruled by crazy people in costumes inspired by Batman.

It's supposed to be a slow dive from the real world into the surreal world of the comics. The rogues gallery is the “better class of criminal” Joker was talking about. Introduce them slowly and logically and it all makes sense.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 7 months ago

I've heard a lot of people suggest Freeze would work in the Nolanverse if it was just a liquid nitrogen gun, and frankly I agree.

Besides, I think some people are missing the point. The reason the Nolanverse is so realistic is because this is only year one. The whole POINT of The Dark Knight is the idea that Gotham is changing from a town ruled by the mob to a town ruled by crazy people in costumes inspired by Batman.

It's supposed to be a slow dive from the real world into the surreal world of the comics. The rogues gallery is the “better class of criminal” Joker was talking about. Introduce them slowly and logically and it all makes sense.
I 100% agree with what your saying.
My thoughts are I'm all for bringing in Robin. The RIGHT way would be NOT casting some one who is just as old as Batman. As for the Penguin, my bro once told me he herd a rumor about him being re-imagined as a Russain arms dealer. As for the Riddler, he's one of my favorites. but let's not make him a Joker clone. Speaking of The Joker, and with all do respect to Heath Ledger, I wanna see the Joker bust out of arkahm. I have a few ppl in mind to to take over…

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 7 months ago

As usual, I gotta agree with Jeff, we see pretty eye to eye when it comes to the Batverse.

My only problem with knightfall is Azreal, in the sense of why Bruce picks him, but even Dick brings that up later. That being said, its gonna be unrealistic to think we can get bale for more than, lets say 3 more? Its a damn shame because Ledger and Bale apparently really hit it off and I think they both would've kept each other involved.

Lets up the mad money Dark Knight made convinces WB that there is still money to be made, and they put somebody who's not in idiot in charge.

by gobluemichman

16 years, 7 months ago

Why's the Penguin so hard to imagine? In the current comics, for example, he's portrayed as a fairly common criminal whom Batman goes to for information in exchange for turning a blind bat's eye to his more…shall we say, shady, operations. (Just between you and me, however, all Batman needs is one good excuse to send Penguin's house of cards crashing to the ground.)

When I said pengiun that was my bad I was thinking of the Tim Burton Batman Returns, but as for the rumor of Pengiun being an arms dealer I heard that as well. But I read on that Pengiun comes into town to take over from where the old mobs left off because GPD has pretty much gottan all of the mob off the street than enters both Pengium and the Riddler and begins a whole new mob war. How much of that is proof I dont know, but i like the idea and than it was added with Two Face returning. I cant find the link right now but I will find it. Not a bad idea.

But as for Robin coming in so soon I agree. Its not time for Robin, too early for him to be in the story. I think for this world just keep Robin till maybe the last movie, than do a spin off of Nightwing!!! eh…I have to say I dont know too much about Nightwing.

I have to agree its tough to think that Bale would sign on to do any more Batman movies after 3 movies. I think there is enough Batman story ideas to do 6 solid flims but honestly does anyone think that it would be possible to see 6 Batman movies. I can, but we seen what some people think of Star Wars. I like the new movies but some dont so who knows.

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

I'm also not sure about the Riddler either. The worst thing about him is that he's so damn hard to write for. It's why he only appeared on Batman: The Animated Series a grand total of…3 times.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

Well it's a good thing Nolan only has to write him once.