The Dark Knight

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 8 months ago

picking it up on tuesday and then see the midnight showing of the dark night, cuase well it's batman.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

Adam Bestler
Batman Begets (2011)

George Clooney reprises his role as Val Kilmer in what is sure to be the blockbuster hit of the summer! This time, Batman must do battle with the evil Impregnater, a new villain invented for the DC universe by Michael Bay. Can Batman find a way to stop the Impregnater's insidious immaculate conception device before his water breaks? or will Gotham City be left at the mercy of the criminals while Batman is on maternity leave?

Starring Michael J. Fox as the voice of the Impregnater (although he won't actually be working on the film directly, the studio intends to use old audio samples from when he worked on Stuart Little) The On-screen Impregnater will be played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and featuring Danny Di Vito as Robin.

I think the big question on everyone's mind is. how is Elvis? and have you seen him lately?

No, I haven't seen Elvis lately, but I did see your mom at Oasis the other day. She was buying a dozen crispy kremes. I like moms, mainly because my own is was absent throughout most of my life. What was I gonna say? Oh yeah! BATMAN MOVIES FUCKING SUCK!

I've been drinking rum.

by Pandamar

16 years, 8 months ago

Is it me or it's the first batman where we… “ignore” the batguy? All the other Batman were about the hero

Are you kidding? One of the most common complaints about the last series is that the movies focused more on the villains than Batman.

the Joker is the superstar in this movie.

It's not that the Joker has more screen time or anything, it's just that Heath steals the show whenever he's in a scene.

And of course you have the fact that this is his last movie and that his performance is garnering Oscar buzz so naturally the marketing is going to show more of The Joker.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

One of the most common complaints about the last series is that the movies focused more on the villains than Batman.

Maybe, but it's the first Batman where I don't feel any attention towards the hero. It's like I don't care about him, I have no excitement or curiosity. It's more like “What they decided to do with the Joker, now…”

It's like the Batmobile, new technology and costume are getting old.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

But you're forgetting something very important here, Mr. Bi-lingual Hopping Troll-Rat Creature. While it's true that all but the most recent incarnation of Batman: the movie have licked more balls than your grandma and Madonna combined, but this time around, the camp and the retarded theatrics have taken a backseat, and now believability is behind the wheel, which makes it worlds better.

Remember the 1960's? I sure as hell don't, but during that era, a half-assed theme song written by beatniks was considered an acceptable anthem for Batman. We've all heard it, and nowadays, we all probably wish that we never did.

Just be grateful that this time they aren't throwing interjectional words and phrases at you whenever Batman punches somebody.


16 years, 8 months ago

At you can see the HBO First Look at The Dark Knight, a car chase clip from MTV (Spoiler Alert), and a The Dark Knight Cast Interview Featurette.

Check out these videos at these links:

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

I am poised to go see the new one at a Midnight showing.

by Pandamar

16 years, 8 months ago

Me too. I'm excited! (^_^)

by Brendan_M

16 years, 8 months ago

so…I'm seeing this movie Tomorrow at 7:00 on IMAX here in Ottawa…does anyone want me to write a review for the movie or release any of the spoilers?

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

If it were me, I'd wait till Friday before posting any review or anything of the such incase you decide to put in spoilers. That way it will give people a chance to see the movie before hand.