The Dark Knight

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Oh Reginald…I DISAGREE!

Seriously though. Very well said indeed. I definitely have to agree that the Christopher Nolan films much closer to the source material than Tim Burton's movies…but there was something unique and different about Tim's portrayal of the characters in question that made the movies entertaining and fun and that's what I like about them…

I am just glad Christopher Nolan was successful in rebooting the franchise after Joel Schumacher…::shudder::

Additionally I loved the Batmobile in the Burton Movies…but I love the Tumbler better.
Favorite Batmobiles:
Batman Begins, Dark Knight
Batman, Batman Returns
Batman: The Animated Series (1992)

by boholbrook1

16 years, 7 months ago

Tim's portrayal of the characters in question that made the movies entertaining and fun and that's what I like about them…

Yes, Because Batman kills people all the time, just like in the Tim Burton movies.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

Obviously, remorselessly slaying henchmen is entertaining and fun. So much fun it even makes Batman himself smile.

Also fun:

- Imagery catering to the goth kid crowd. Lots of wild, frizzy hair, stark black and white color schemes, and horror music complete with choir. A shame Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter were too young to be thrown in there too. Add those two and a little claymation and Burton could've called Returns his opus and retired satisfied.

- Loading your plane with machine guns, missiles, and an elaborate targeting system, having a clear run at a target that's standing still, and missing every single shot. Said jet can be brought down by one bullet. (Oh, I get it. By “fun”, you mean “absurd like a Bugs Bunny cartoon”)

- Danny DeVito being raised in the sewer by both intelligent penguins AND a circus, biting people's noses off, and bleeding to death out the mouth. (Please note that flipper-handed mutants bleed black.)

- Penguin's henchmen? Clowns. Joker's henchmen? Guys in black leather.

- Revealing your secret identity every single time you have a second date with a random broad who you will probably never see again. Bruce Wayne: Hopeless Romantic

- Lando Dent, District Attorney of Cloud City.

- Glorified cameos from a fat and largely useless Commissioner Gordon.

- Renowned photographers not knowing what the richest and most famous man in town looks like.

And some fun facts:

- In groups, cats have the power to resurrect the dead (and give them eight 1-Ups) by chewing on them.

- Bruce Wayne sleeps upside-down!

- Batman's first supervillain turned out to be the guy who killed his parents! Isn't that convenient?

- The Joker is roughly in his 50's. You can tell this not just from his wrinkles and bloated features, but by the fact he wears the waist of his pants pulled all the way up above his belly button.

- If ugly matte paintings are to be believed, Gotham is not only the most cramped and tightly packed city ever built, it's composed mostly of brown churches and construction sites located 10 stories up. (again, probably because of the crampedness. They have to build the new buildings on top of the old ones!)

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

I'll see all of everyone's love for any aspect of any part of any Batman thing and raise them one Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman/Selena Kyle. There's a love interest that could keep a young man warm at night.

Katie Holmes?! Puh-lease.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

No time for love, Dr. Jones.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 7 months ago

It could be worse. At least Tim Burton didn't add ass cheeks and nipples to Batman's costume.

by Dr.D

16 years, 7 months ago

Well, at least we can agree, if you don't like Tim Burton's Batman (even though I do) Danny Elfman's score for the film is definately better than Hans Zimmers music. Elfman's music defines Batman

by eatingfood1

16 years, 7 months ago

Personaly, I like the Batman Begins theme better. It sounds more scary.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Loading your plane with machine guns, missiles, and an elaborate targeting system, having a clear run at a target that's standing still, and missing every single shot. Said jet can be brought down by one bullet. (Oh, I get it. By “fun”, you mean “absurd like a Bugs Bunny cartoon”)

Well apparently it was more elaborate than accurate

by boholbrook1

16 years, 7 months ago

Loading your plane with machine guns, missiles, and an elaborate targeting system, having a clear run at a target that's standing still, and missing every single shot. Said jet can be brought down by one bullet. (Oh, I get it. By “fun”, you mean “absurd like a Bugs Bunny cartoon”)

Well apparently it was more elaborate than accurate