The Dark Knight

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

It's not an uncommon thing for second unit photography to take additional material well after primary unit photography has well ended…

But I do not know…if it was indeed someone else filling it…they did indeed do a hell of a job

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 7 months ago

Seems really unlikely though. But with all the makeup and such, it would be pretty hard to tell if it was Heath Ledger or not.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

who knows…and considering the rave reviews Ledger is getting for being the Joker…even if it were true I doubt anyone involved in the film would reveal as much

by gobluemichman

16 years, 7 months ago

I agree, if it was true Im sure that something would have leaked out or a production note would have been printed, but heck if they do another Joker who do you guys think should be the next Joker.

*******plus I just caught this the other day from a firend of mine on the insite of who might be the next two bad guys. Im thinking Catwoman and the Riddler. Theres not really any concerte proof that its gonna happen but with a line that was said about the armor being able to hold up vs cats, I kinda wonder if thats a little heads up plus. I think Reese could play a good Riddler, cause he is an employee of Wayne Inc. and “knew” who Batman was, so but who knows i guess thats a little too much reading between the lines.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Considering how long the sequel came…another one could be a long ways down the road…but who knows

by AdamBestler

16 years, 7 months ago

I have to agree. Christian bale seems like he is try to sound tough when he is batman. It doesn't seem like its coming naturally.

Batman has a microphone inside his mask, which amplifies his voice and distorts it somewhat. It's not supposed to sound natural. It's another element he uses for concealing his identity. He's Batman. He doesn't need to try and sound tough. You know he could break every bone in your body without you noticing it until its too late.

While he may not look exactly like Bruce Wayne as he's drawn in the comics, Bale is still a much better pick than any other actors that have been chosen for the role in the past.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 7 months ago

Adam Bestler
I have to agree. Christian bale seems like he is try to sound tough when he is batman. It doesn't seem like its coming naturally.

Batman has a microphone inside his mask, which amplifies his voice and distorts it somewhat. It's not supposed to sound natural. It's another element he uses for concealing his identity. He's Batman. He doesn't need to try and sound tough. You know he could break every bone in your body without you noticing it until its too late.

While he may not look exactly like Bruce Wayne as he's drawn in the comics, Bale is still a much better pick than any other actors that have been chosen for the role in the past.

Chrismer has shown me countless pictures of Bruce in the comics and they look just like Christian Bale.

What these people mean to say when they say Bruce doesn't look like Christian Bale is that Bale doesn't look like Bruce from the animated series.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

Every comic I have, Bruce is drawn pretty goddamn similar. Here's a Jim Lee example, but it doesn't matter who I find, they all pretty much look like that.

Square jaw, slicked back black hair. Those are Bruce Wayne's defining traits.

Keaton had a scrawny head and curly hair. Kilmer had blonde hair and sometimes wore glasses, but he was the closest. Clooney was going gray and, frankly, always just looks like George Clooney, he can't disappear into a role at all.

Bale is the only one that looks perfect. It's like he was born to play Batman.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 7 months ago

I've got mostly old Batman comics (60s and 70s), so I haven't really been caught up with how he looks now, other than his costume. Looking it that, it does bare a striking resemblance to Christian Bale other than the brown hair. Still, I really don't like how his Batman voice sounds…

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

I never really had a problem so much with his voice in the first movie…in Dark Knight though, it seemed like he was holding his nose. This is more evident to me atleast during the last scene in Dark Knight when Batman is talking to Gordon about Harvey.