Well, finally the day has come and the game it´s suppossed to be release today.
I know some lucky guys here got the game before the promised date, and I´m happy for them (and jealous, honestly)… but finally, after bad news, sad days, dissapointing facts… the game it´s at the stores now.
Sadly, I´ll get the game at least a week late, cause I pre-ordered the slimer edition and sent it to a friend´s home in California, he will send it to me to Mexico ASAP.
But well, today is June 16th, we have two reasons to celebrate: Ghostbusters 2´s 20th anniversary and the ultimate experience in gaming for any ghosthead: Ghostbusters the Videogame. I´m glad of being part of this fan community and proud of being a Ghostbusters since 1984.
So… It´s miller time!!