The Deca Meter

by crusader_x

14 years, 11 months ago
Built a new, smaller version of the Giga Meter I'm calling the Deca Meter.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 11 months ago

I effin' love whenever you post a new project on here. Your stuff blows most of the other GB fan props I've seen outta the water.

by Nix

14 years, 11 months ago

Yet another thing of beauty.

I don't even know how you build these fantastic props. I'm still trying to get my Dematerializer off the ground. Can you offer me a few tips on wiring, etc?

by crusader_x

14 years, 11 months ago

Thanks guys I appreciate your comments.
I'd be glad to help Nix, if you have a specific question just feel free to email me:
firebladecomics @ (no spaces between the @)

I am looking forward to finally publishing the PKE Meter build guide I've been promising as well as an updated Ecto Goggle build guide, which if nothing else should help give people some ideas for their own projects.