In canada, the government is very criticized on its environmental politic. They almost lost the power because of that; they had to put something in their department to convince people that they were concerned. Now, their programs has come to an end and they're searching for new concepts.
The news asked an exminister why there was no mention about the environment yet. The exminister answered: “if we don't hear about it, the situation is fine.” What?! After all the battle made around the environment, the situation is now fine… just like that?
It rains enough to create flood, the thunders are incredibly violent since two years, the poles are melting, our water is in a sad condition under many reasons, etc. and the situation is fine? That exminister, if I recall, wasn't in the “government Harper”. He just showed that, even if you're in the opposition or an independant, you're only a pawn in the system's boardgame.
Let's talk about water. Private industries are thinking about water control. They want to make it their territory to sale it. Think about it, it will start like an acceptable administration to fall later into something like a “phone service”; you will need to subscribe, your bills will always rise and, when you cannot pay for it, they'll cut what you deserve like the heat during winter. What's the magic words they like to use? “The water is in a terrible state, the world population is overgrowing, in the futur, if we don't do something, there'll be nothing left for us, if we don't act now.” Same kind of message that Bush sold us about Irak, “They got nuclear bombs, they have mobile laboratories, if we don't act now, it'll be too late.” People swallow that and the project goes on. A nightmare.
The water in Canada has a new pollution: algae. The water becomes more polluted… now that they think about water industries? ……..
The system is something we'll always ignore because we're not a part of it. We're nothing but money makers for economy, foolishly proud of our way of being while we have no authority on things. When I look at the economy, it makes me laugh. Billions of people working for an artificial value which is causing most of its world's pain. “We don't support this and that” people say on the news. Do they realy believe their words will change something when its only purpose is to pay the media's salary?
How can we put our strength, everybody's life, the planet, in a machine (the economy) where a “zero” exist? A zero, with a value of “nothing”, for no more value on things. Nothing for you, him, her, life, no matter its age, if the system collapses. You can have all the money you want in the economy. But, the fact is: you always need to feed the machine because its numbers always end up falling.
If that “zero” exists, then it means that it'll happen. Like a house built on a bad ground, the system will collapse by itself until we finaly work for a sytem *equal for everyone*, based on moral value..
Look at the bridge that collapsed not soo long ago, we had the same thing here but in smaller proportion. The specialists said that there was a problem at the beginning. Later the government said there was no need to hurry. Later, other specialists came to that same conclusion. The bridge fell down; they were specialists and the highest in authority. “Back off, I'm a specialist” Yeah and what that will change?
Money controls words and decisions, it's worst than terrorism.
Worst than that, we will continu to follow its religion.