People, I love the Ghostbusters franchise as much as every other Ghosthead on here, every day that I so much as SEE a small bit of information of the dead project ‘Ghostbusters III’ I feel saddened in my heart. To know that a third film in my favorite film series of all time was being prepped but then destroyed by Studio Politics saddens me evermore. To know a franchise built on characters we all knew and loved as children had a chance at making another trek into the movieplexes to entertain us and fill our hearts with the warm sensation of being children looking up to our favorite role models really got me going for a while. But now as the damned Politics of the Movie World have trespassed upon our innocent and beloved series and urinated on it's chances of making a renowned comeback, I for one am ready to move on. No more petty squabbling over whose fault it is, no more finger pointing, I'm sad in my heart for the fate of these men who I admired so much as a child … So lets all let them rest in peace and discuss them here.