The GB shop?

by stantzman

22 years, 5 months ago

Chad, can you (or someone) please let us all know if the t-shirts and whatnot are still available? Since the shop on CafePress went down, there's been little word, and now clicking on the shop brings you back to the main page. I, for one, would like a t-shirt.

So, any news, you can give us would be great, thanks.


by Chad

22 years, 5 months ago

The store will be reopening along with the new version of the site. There will be a whole new line of new merchandise (new designs) as well as the old stuff.

by stantzman

22 years, 5 months ago

Thanks, Chad!

I love those designs (especially the firehouse and the ‘proton age’ ones), and I look forward to whatever new designs you've come up with! I'm sure they'll look great!


Egon: Oh, you mean the free thermal mug, with balloons for the kiddies?