The Ghostbuster Chronicles

by Jordan_Media

18 years, 3 months ago

Thats right GhostHeads! It is finally here! After 4 years of script work and money saving, the moment has arrived! On Halloween 2007, the GB fan film event finally arrives.

Jordan Media Entertainment Presents

A SilverValley Production & Sketch Production


Check Out Teaser Trailer #1 Here

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by daftkid909

18 years, 3 months ago

Hmmm, looks interesting, although from experience, promoting this early before production can do more harm than good Also, having that last shot in the end kind of takes away from the professionalism I know you are going for. But then again, I'm not a fan of specifically shot teaser. Either way, I'm just giving some helpful tips but do what you see fit, it's your film after all!

What was this shot on?

PS Comments like “the face of GB fan films will change forever” and “the motion picture fan film event of 2007” shouldn't be used until the trailer or stills are revealed. That way, you can go “It will be the best, and here is the proof!”

Good luck on this venture!

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 3 months ago

It definitely took away from the trailer that you used the scene from GB II of the gun lighting up. It didn't look that interesting to me at all. All we see is a bunch of shots of the woods and some steps and a guy in a robe. I understand its a teaser, but it doesn't look like a teaser for a GB film without any shots of the GBs. And yea, daftkid is right… you're getting way too ahead of yourself, and making comments like “best fan film ever” and stuff like that just detracts from the film. Make it for fun, not to be the “best”.

by Dr.D

18 years, 3 months ago

Looks kinds lame (*egon)

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

I retitled the topic to reflect the subject more accurately.

I agree with Dr.D's sentiment… what actual content was made… was fairly uninteresting… a cloaked figure walking through woodland… it doesn't really help to hold interest or make a person want to see the flick.

In addition, using a scene from the movies also takes away as it's effectively a ‘copy’ and paste… and shows nothing new.

How far along are you with shooting? I'd suggest once you've got half, if not the whole production filmed - splice a new teaser trailer together so that 100% of the footage shown is all yours.

A narratave, even if a vague one might help to improve the posted teaser.

by Jordan_Media

18 years, 3 months ago

First, it is called a TEASER TRAILER! Not an official one. Believe it or not, this was shot for the express purpose of being a TEASER TRAILER. The movie is still in pre-production. Second, we are a fan operation working out of A PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION STUDIO. Don't beat it down until you've seen the actual thing. Give it some credit, we have been doing productions for YEARS, this isn't a mickey-mouse, shot-with-a-$20-camera operation. Thanks for all the support so far………

by section33

18 years, 3 months ago

No ones saying that you are a Mickey Mouse operation… but what you have to take into consideration is the amount of times people post up on sites saying they are making the greatest fanfilm of all time but until people see the credentials they are always sceptical, it’s our nature on the forums so many productions ideas come and go… Trust me I understand the urge to get out a teaser as much you… I have been working on my film a while… but I decided to wait, if you have something to show, the appreciation for your work shines through… I won’t say I’m defiantly gonna watch this because it looks like the greatest thing ever… what I will say is that I’m intrigued and I would like to see how this production pans out…

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 3 months ago

First, it is called a TEASER TRAILER! Not an official one. Believe it or not, this was shot for the express purpose of being a TEASER TRAILER. The movie is still in pre-production. Second, we are a fan operation working out of A PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION STUDIO. Don't beat it down until you've seen the actual thing. Give it some credit, we have been doing productions for YEARS, this isn't a mickey-mouse, shot-with-a-$20-camera operation. Thanks for all the support so far………

No one said that it was Mickey Mouse man, you need to relax. While understanding its a teaser trailer and supposed to just tease, in order to tease you need to show something that makes sense. A cloaked figure walking through the woods has absolutely nothing to do with GB. Then you just copy a scene from GB II and put up the word “Chronicles” and that's supposed to be the teasing part? Its not effective. And by the way, if you're operating out of a professional production studio, one would think you would've learned a long time ago that using a copy and paste method of another scene would not be effective.

by Jordan_Media

18 years, 3 months ago

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to let people understand. This trailer is not designed specifically for fans, it is a teaser that anyone can watch and understand. This trailer was premiered on the front of a major local film production and got a standing ovation. I personally don't understand why everyone is stating that it sucked.

And to answer the cut & paste thing, the proton packs aren't here yet and we had a deadline. That is why we didn't shoot it ourselves.

Don't take this too seriously. It's GB, remember? Funny and fun. And the masked figure DOES have to do with GB, at least this one……….

by misfit1

18 years, 3 months ago

Are the steps from the excorcist by any chance?