The Ghostbuster Chronicles

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 3 months ago

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to let people understand. This trailer is not designed specifically for fans, it is a teaser that anyone can watch and understand. This trailer was premiered on the front of a major local film production and got a standing ovation. I personally don't understand why everyone is stating that it sucked.

And to answer the cut & paste thing, the proton packs aren't here yet and we had a deadline. That is why we didn't shoot it ourselves.

Don't take this too seriously. It's GB, remember? Funny and fun. And the masked figure DOES have to do with GB, at least this one……….

In response to the italics portion, I don't really see what there is to ‘understand’ as you put it. Going by this from a nonfan standpoint I know one thing, it has the Ghostbusters logo in it.

I'm sorry but thats all that is there. A guy walking around in the woods, which I am presuming has some relation to the supernatural due to the shot of his eyes.

I'm not saying I'm not interested in what your doing, but this as an actual teaser trailer doesn't entice me one bit.

by Jordan_Media

18 years, 3 months ago

In response to the italics portion, I don't really see what there is to ‘understand’ as you put it. Going by this from a nonfan standpoint I know one thing, it has the Ghostbusters logo in it.

I'm sorry but thats all that is there. A guy walking around in the woods, which I am presuming has some relation to the supernatural due to the shot of his eyes.

I'm not saying I'm not interested in what your doing, but this as an actual teaser trailer doesn't entice me one bit.

Believe it or not, that is all the reaction I was hopping to get with this trailer. To educate that there is another movie and it has something to do with this WOMAN with the eyes. Thats all I wanted.

Teaser #2 will be even more vague as to plot and subject. I refer to the Transformers Teaser Trailer. There is nothing about the movie plot or story context. It was designed to let people know about it and inform them it exists. That's all a true teaser is.

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 3 months ago

Well…woman then… it looks like a man on Youtube.

by misfit1

18 years, 3 months ago

if thats all you wanted to let people know about your fan film. A poster could have achived the same results..And possibly could have gotten you a more positive vibe from the community.

Right now, we see lots of dull un-interesting shots, occasionally with a robed figure that I guess is some sort of ghost/demon/god/magician thats gonna raise hell so that a group of ghostbusters are going to have to bust it's ass.

Really, I think a teaser may have been the wrong way to go if all you wanted to do is get the word out. A well designed poster could have promoted (and teased) a whole lot more.

by daftkid909

18 years, 3 months ago

First, it is called a TEASER TRAILER! Not an official one. Believe it or not, this was shot for the express purpose of being a TEASER TRAILER.

I knew it was a specifically shot teaser but it is never a wise move. Promoting a film that's not even shot is a move done by many amature fan film makers. Professionals usaully want to make a teaser when they have a nice amount of footage use. It shows not going “is production is under way, but look mat our efforts!”.

We are not trying to assume everything or criticize, we are just expressiong an opinion based of your first promotional move. It's just too premature.

Give it some credit, we have been doing productions for YEARS, this isn't a mickey-mouse, shot-with-a-$20-camera operation. Thanks for all the support so far………

I think they were applauding the teaser itself, not what it represents. It had good cinematography and mood so I am not surprised they applauded. Also, we didn't assume it was a mickey mouse production. In fact, I asked which camera was used since it look like something of nice quality.

And to answer the cut & paste thing, the proton packs aren't here yet and we had a deadline. That is why we didn't shoot it ourselves.

Be inventive. When there's a will, there's a way! You would have just fade to black and have the sound of three proton packs activating. Subtle yet gets the point across.

Don't take this too seriously. It's GB, remember? Funny and fun. And the masked figure DOES have to do with GB, at least this one……….

I am really curious as to why a pro-production company wants to make a GB fan film when you guys have the resources to do much more empowering projects. Not that there is anything wrong with it, I am just intrigued as to what sparked the idea and motivated you guys to make a GB fan film.

Note, I am not trying to criticize, I am just express opinions and geniune questions. I wish you guys the best of luck ob the project and hope you guys have a lot of fun!

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 3 months ago

Teaser #2 will be even more vague as to plot and subject. I refer to the Transformers Teaser Trailer. There is nothing about the movie plot or story context. It was designed to let people know about it and inform them it exists. That's all a true teaser is.

Trust me that is NOT possible. This current trailer gives nothing about the plot or subject, and you can't get less than nothing. And your comparison to the Transformers teaser trailer is odd, as that DID give something about the movie plot and story context. The robots were on Mars. Your teaser trailer gives nothing, literally.

I seriously doubt the professionalism of this project, based on the comments made about it being the best fan film ever and all of that (which I find funny that you've since removed them). That coupled with the fact that you didn't wait to film your stuff until your props were ready. You said you had a deadline to get this trailer out… who sets a deadline for a fan film? That's the point of a fan film, its done by fans, for fun, so stuff gets done when it gets done. It was screened in front of an audience who applauded it and gave it a standing ovation? Yet another point that I seriously doubt, as I can not believe anyone would give this a standing ovation. It simply doesn't deserve one. There's nothing in it worthy of applauding, and you admit that yourself by saying that you wanted barely any reaction at all to this, just to let people know its out there.

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

Long post ahead, bear with me…

First, it is called a TEASER TRAILER! Not an official one. Believe it or not, this was shot for the express purpose of being a TEASER TRAILER. The movie is still in pre-production. Second, we are a fan operation working out of A PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION STUDIO. Don't beat it down until you've seen the actual thing. Give it some credit, we have been doing productions for YEARS, this isn't a mickey-mouse, shot-with-a-$20-camera operation. Thanks for all the support so far………

We understand it's a teaser… and as such will have a limited amount of footage and story it can truely tell.

But the thing is, that many here don't feel it's attention grabbing because it features a few serene shots and a character that at the time, they weren't sure was connected to the main Ghostbusters franchise. I see teasers like those for James Bond… for things like X-Men…

In fact, here's a nice example:

The Da Vinci Code - Teaser Trailer

The preceding teaser trailer was released before any of the actual film had been shot… but yet, helps to sell the idea to the audience (Bear with me… I recently had to write a paper critically analysing poster design… and things like ‘grab the audience’)… not only that, but there's also little visual clues… things to grab the audience' interest and attention all the while played out to a dramatic narration… ending in quite an iconic shot.

Now, I don't expect you to have to create something like that if you don't have the resources… but I think it shows how simple, yet captivating it can be… a simple 3D model mixed with some text elements and good texturing.

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to let people understand. This trailer is not designed specifically for fans, it is a teaser that anyone can watch and understand. This trailer was premiered on the front of a major local film production and got a standing ovation. I personally don't understand why everyone is stating that it sucked.

And to answer the cut & paste thing, the proton packs aren't here yet and we had a deadline. That is why we didn't shoot it ourselves.

Don't take this too seriously. It's GB, remember? Funny and fun. And the masked figure DOES have to do with GB, at least this one……….

Part of it could likely be how it's presented… I bet you I might've had a positive reaction seeing the Ghostbusters logo on a cinema screen… but that impact might be lost on the small screen. Different presentations can lead to different results… like watching a film in black and white, or with the sound off.

I cite another interesting example, a televisual debate between Nixon and Kennedy. On TV, Nixon had little to no studio makeup, was apparantly in pain and had a number of contributing factors that led to audience perception that he lost the debate. However, apparently when radio listeners were polled on the debate, they placed Nixon as the winner.

Nobody has said it sucked, one person said it was lame and several including myself replied that it ‘seemed lacking’ or wasn't too impressive.

As for the Proton Gun, well… that's simple. If you don't have the footage then you can't place it in the teaser… like the Da Vinci Code teaser… they accomplished the point and you didn't see anything that appeared in the story other than the Mona Lisa

I don't think we're taking it too seriously… however when you consider the stuff made by Braxtan and a few others… the expectations (Even if some are unreasonable), have been raised to a specific point.

Believe it or not, that is all the reaction I was hopping to get with this trailer. To educate that there is another movie and it has something to do with this WOMAN with the eyes. Thats all I wanted.

Teaser #2 will be even more vague as to plot and subject. I refer to the Transformers Teaser Trailer. There is nothing about the movie plot or story context. It was designed to let people know about it and inform them it exists. That's all a true teaser is.

Now, see… there's a problem right there… from the brief shot I got in the teaser, I thought it was a man under the cowl… not a woman.

Well, not true… the Transformers teaser was designed in such a way to show that there's big ass robots heading Earth's way… but not show them as to spoil the surprise.

Now, true… the Proton Pack does do that to a degree… but if you're going for a wider market you have to also anticipate… that not everyone in the younger audience knows what the Proton Pack looks like.

And, on the final note of that paragraph… what's the point in letting people know there's this new fan film in development if it doesn't get them excited to see it?

There'll be no tougher crowd to please then the fan base, obviously… but in the regards of it being a teaser trailer they are able to overlook things as that's what it's meant to be, a teaser trailer.

Now, as a point of context; both daftkid909 and section33 are actually producing their own fan films. And in terms of community interest, Eddie (daftkid909) has managed to build up a lot of interest and publicity in his film… true, it's a lot further ahead… but I think you'd benefit to look at how he's handled things. Section33's film is also one that could be a big draw… but they've at present release less material.

I think also… that you should consider the comments here. If you're not able to appreciate the good comments (Which there are many) amongst the bad… then will you be able to easily asnwer similar ones when the film's done? Or when you start releasing more material for it?

Fan artists, writers and directors have to be able to take the good with the bad… the criticism can be very helpful in making a good product intoa great product… if you can't even take the most basic of comments for the teaser trailer… then maybe you're in the wrong field.

It's nothing personal, but it's part observation and recollection of my own experiences and the stuff I've seen in days gone by.

I will admit, I feel that the title logo feels a bit… ‘simple’ in comparison with title graphics you seen in films and on posters today. Even if it were simply ‘Chronicles’ in the Ghostbusters font, and with a variation of the glow… it would looke richer in appearance.

But that's just my feeling from a graphic design point of view.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 3 months ago

You've earned this:

by daftkid909

18 years, 3 months ago

Well said, King Pin. Next time your in NYC, I'll buy you a box of White Castles.

by Jordan_Media

18 years, 3 months ago

Are the steps from the excorcist by any chance?

They are actually in the outdoors here in Salt Lake City. I didn't even know they exsisted until our Director Scott Silver pointed them out.