Well, not true… the Transformers teaser was designed in such a way to show that there's big ass robots heading Earth's way… but not show them as to spoil the surprise.
Uhhh…. The Chronicles teaser seems to also be designed to show that there's a ghost of some sort heading earth's way… but not show anyone as to spoil the surprise.
As a transformers fan, I can easily see the similarities in teaser style. The transformer teaser really didn't mean anything to the movie. What could it be about other than big ass robots coming to earth? the trailer doesn't tell us that. It more or less simply affirmed the movie as being the real deal. Anybody looking for any context in that trailer would have been severely dissapointed. In the same sense I don't see how so many people on this board can be so critical of the Chronicles trailer. It is a teaser trailer, and the only goal of a teaser trailer is to inform the audience or viewer that something is coming. They rarely show anything relevant to the movie other than title, and almost never show actual footage. The transformers trailer is an excellent example in comparison. None of that footage is from the movie, it has nothing to do with the movie. The point of it was “There is a transformers movie coming” All it did was make you want to see the next trailer and hope that it had better shots of the transformers in it. I think Chronicles does the same thing, Now I know it is on the horizon and I am excited to see what will be in the full trailer. Also I really don't think there are any rules of what a trailer should or should not have. The newest Trans trailer, though chock full of fast cutting actual footage and effects, it STILL offers no new information whatsoever about the movie that you didn't already expect, big ass robots are coming, some are bad, some are good, there will be people involved. If I held it to the expectations this forum seems to foster, Then we should all be really pissed about how vauge the Trans trailers are…
I quite like this Chronicles trailer, until the GB 2 clip you really have no idea what it is you are looking at or what to expect. The clip, although stock footage, pulled me in to the idea of a Ghostbuster's story. I felt pretty enticed to see more and I hope that the production company continues the project, despite some of the negative posting going on here. Reading over everything, it seems tensions were high at the begining and that is too bad. It seems the prod company rep over reacted a bit, but I can understand as some of the feedback before the reply post was pretty critical and way right field, especially for something so early in production…. I don't know, it just seems like a better effort to support people and hope that they are successful with what they set out to do then rip them down right from the start.
To me, it seems best to see it for what it is; promotional material. If you had never heard of the film before, and you now know it's out there, then it did its job no matter how much you liked or didn't like it.
I look forward to the announced second teaser and future information about the project and wish good luck to those involved who are putting in the time and effort to create this. I don't posses the skills to put together what you have, and I wanted to let you know that there are people out there that saw this trailer and were left wanting more, it just seems those people don't get heard from as often.
Could I do a better teaser? I don't know. Could I do a worse treaser? No question! Can you please everyone? Not a chance…. Don't try.