The Ghostbusters Fact List

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago


I told you guys so!

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

It is so great to finally see this thing…let me tell you, it's been a long time coming, but that's because we wanted to do it right.

How long?


Posted: Mar 04, 2003 12:00 PM

Now here's something intresting for all fanfic writers, a list of details about the different team members, however this list is outdated and has some incorrect facts:

The Ghostbusters Canon List

Tha's why I plan on making a copy of this list and making some revisions, as well as mentioning those involved in creating the original list, once it's ready I'll retitle this topic and post the fact list, I'll include big and little details from the show.

An entire case of Cokes and a crate of Twinkies. You've more than earned them!!!

:-) (^_^)

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

It may've taken a long time to do it, but it was most definitely worth it. I sure do hope ALL writers will use it. :-)

And not only writers. It's for everyone. So everyone can learn about the Ghostbusters, their tools, and their talents.

by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 4 months ago

I'm taking a look at it right now…

Still–I wouldn't encourage everyone to use everything…might stifle creativity. ‘Tis a reference, is it not? I mean…if someone wants to give Peter’s dad a different name, they're well within their rights, especially as a great deal of the character backgrounds appear to be not even fanon, but based on one fanfic writer's work. Charlie Venkman is fanon; Egon's family life is not.

Anyway, good work; I can see it took a great deal of effort to get this puppy off the ground. It should prove quite useful.

by Kingpin

21 years, 4 months ago

Well, the reasoning behind Charlie being used is it has appeared in so many stories outside of Sheila Paulson's original work, and it's essentially now become Canon, but no, it's not to stifel creativity, just to offer a guiding hand and a compendium for reference.

Munches twinkie and takes a swig from coke

Now that's a big pile ‘o’ twinkies! DIG IN!

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

Princess Artemis
I'm taking a look at it right now…

Still–I wouldn't encourage everyone to use everything…might stifle creativity. ‘Tis a reference, is it not? I mean…if someone wants to give Peter’s dad a different name, they're well within their rights, especially as a great deal of the character backgrounds appear to be not even fanon, but based on one fanfic writer's work. Charlie Venkman is fanon; Egon's family life is not.

Anyway, good work; I can see it took a great deal of effort to get this puppy off the ground. It should prove quite useful.

True. Which is why we went to great pains to identify all of the stuff we conjectured or came from fan sources as such, and kept any mention of the character's post-1997 destinies as we see them (ie the Spengler Twins, Eric Stantz, ect.) out of it.

On the other hand, I happen to be one of those people who discover that the more facts I know about something, the more I'm able to find in it to write about. I'm not frightened off by twenty years of backstory–in fact, I find it an appealing challenge to deal with. So for that variety of obsessive compulsive writer, this list is a great tool.

by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 4 months ago

I'm sure it will be useful in any event; I personally would find the usefulness in the minutea, not, say, Sheila Paulson's backstory for a character.

No offence to Sheila, of course

Oh, happened to read the clothing part for Egon…reminds me a LOT of Anne Langsdorf's list. I don't recall that Cindy Rancourt wrote that, but she might have and I'm remembering wrong.

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

If Anne Langsdorf is also Anne Labidolemur, yeah, a lot of it came from her lists (there's a link in the Kingpin post I quoted earlier). I realize that somehow a link to that list was erroneously missing from the Fact List, and I will fix that.

by DocFritz

21 years, 2 months ago

Wowsers, a little while since we updated this…my bad (*ray)

Recent updates have included…

More Facts!!! More information about the minor characters–for example, did you know Mayor Lenny's last name is Clotch ??? Sounds vaguely dirty, doesn't it…anyway, this tidbit comes from the GB2 novelization (good find, Ben!) and is clearly meant as a tribute to the real major of New York in 1989, Ed Koch.

More Art!!! The Equipment, Vehicles, and Places of Interest pages now feature artwork, including Kingpin's Ghostbusters Central floor plans.

More Pages!!! I've added an all new page to house the expanded Paranormal Entities listing.

Thanks to Dr. Riddle for his hard work in compiling these updates!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago