Thanks, guys. Ghostbuster4ever, I really need ideas for the individual “jobs.” I'll explain to you in an email.
Borzou, I will definately keep you in mind for a playtester.
I've decided on a final bad guy. If any of you are familiar with HP Lovecraft's works, the bad guy's name is Hastur the Unspeakable, aka: “The King in Yellow.” He is in a way, alot like the “Oracle” idea. Keep throwing ideas in my direction! Thanks for all the support! Ghost-Bestler is also making a game, and so far, it looks GREAT! He's agreed to help in the graphix dept., so soon, we'll have 2 great GB games available for all GB.netters.
Things have been rather slow development-wise right now, but I only have 3 more weeks of the semester, so I'll be able to devote more time to the game after that.
See you on the flip side.