The Ghostbusters Toy Archive WERE BACK!!!!!

by lukevenk

19 years, 4 months ago

Well the Ghostbusters Toy Archive is back after a long hiatus. As you can tell we dont have the domain anymore mainly from the leaving of The Great Hambino, co-founder of the site. After a long time away I finally got it up and running again. At this moment the site has the RGB series by Kenner, and the EGB series by Trendmasters hopefully over time I will have all the series up. The whole layout is a lot simpler and easier to navigate than the old site. Every RGB toy is up except for the weapons.

So check it out.

The GB Swap Meet is still around even though it hasnt been used in over a year, but hopefully i will give it a revamp soon but the old one will be up for now. Check it out in the Nav Bar.

You can also see that we have a Custom GB Figure section. Featuring some cool figs by ProtonCharger and more. If you have some custom figs, send your pics and a description to

Also due to the simplicity of the new site, the Your Collections section is going to be cool. Just send some pics of your collection, and a discription to my email, and I will put them up.

So check it out.

If you have any questions feel free to send me an email at

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Check out my site, yo…..several RGB prototypes, prod. artwork, etc.

Feel free to use any pics, info, etc.

by lukevenk

19 years, 3 months ago

Thanks man, Hey did you get some stuff from Bathalon? he gave me some pics back when i was making the site a couple years back. But those pics will be a nice addition to the archive.



by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Yup; some came from him.

Good guy, he is.


19 years, 3 months ago

Ever wonder why the figures only got one elbow pad?

by lukevenk

19 years, 3 months ago

Haven't you ever heard of the missing elbow pad conspiracy

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Ever thought about adding a section for GB-related games? That could range from the RPG to electronic games and board games.

Also, what about a “misc. item” category? I know of a certain toy shaving kit that'd be RIGHT at home in this area.

by lukevenk

19 years, 3 months ago

Yea definitly, but i need some good scans of them, so anybody that has some good scans of gb games and miscelaneous stuff like the stay puft radio, slimer toothpaste, and the gb shaving kit. There were a lot of products, o and also I am going to do a Happy Meal section the Real Ghostbusters were given away at mcdonalds twice, and i know hardees gave out some stuff for GB2, and Kentucky Fried Chicken had stuff for EGB. So dont hesitate send them to my email at your name will be credited unless you dont want it to.

Thanks lukevenk

by lukevenk

19 years, 3 months ago


We have a lot of updates. We have every major toyline up from FGB to EGB. We are still missing a couple of pics here or there but we have most of them up and they will all be up soon.

W'eve started a Games section thanks to your suggestions and a Misc section will be up soon. Also check out the production pics thanks to Justis of GB Detroit, and Bathalon.

So once again thanks for checking the site, and more updates are on the way.


by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Lookin' good, my man….thanks for the plug.

Also, FYI, the Ray wax-sculpt is the original ('84) head. That one was a biatch to get a hold of. (^_^)