The Ghostbusters/Ghostbusters Crossover

by PeterKong

22 years, 11 months ago

I have the first two chapters finished of the crossover between the two teams. (for who read the original post, yes I changed my name from Odie to a mix between Peter Venkman & Jake Kong)

In case, some people don't know, there are two Ghostbuster teams. The one we all know and love is Columbia or the Real Ghostbusters. The other is Filmation or the original Ghostbusters.

The story will be submitted as soon as it is finished. It will be a nine chapter story about how the two would meet, and the situation would be. Hopefully this fanfic will be enjoyed by not only Real Ghostbuster fans, but also Filmation fans as well. This is the crossover of crossovers. Two teams with the same name, but different companies.

by UncleSirus

22 years, 11 months ago

I think that it is a very good idea. I remember watching both cartoons religiously. I still do. Anyway, I look forward to seeing just how you'll pull the whole thing off.

by PeterKong

22 years, 11 months ago

I have the third & fourth chapters finished. The story will be 9 chapters total. Say Uncle Sirus, when I'm finished, would you like to read it before I submit and give me some opinions. You know, check for grammar, spelling, and story mechanics, etc. That would help a lot in making improving it.