The Goz has been putting some moves on my system..

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

Your metaphor was awesome.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 8 months ago

Actually since its just out of warranty that “free beer” is costing me a hundred smackers….:-@

The thing you are not taking into consideration is that when not if the slap in the face comes as you so eloquently put it…the bartender gives you a free beer.

Additionally a lot of people prefer that bar, not the service, since it has a better social network of people.

Crude and bluntly to the point as always…eh Yehome?

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Now I'm not going to go into the whole “you should get a PS3” banter, because you can do whatever you want, but I still can't understand why people still continue to buy 360s, when there is a very good chance that it will most likely end up right back at MS for repairs?

Not getting into the debate, but still making that sly remark at the end.

I don't let it trouble me, but every time, I hear (after all that has already happened) people react with surprise, when their 360s die, it just gets frustrating. Here's a little scenario that will help you understand were I'm coming from:

Say you and your friend, walk into a bar (any retail stores) to get a beer (a 360), and when the bartender (MS), gives you your beer, he SLAPS you across the face (RROD, E 74)…

That isn't really a good analogy. I would've put it like this:

Say you and your friend, walk into a bar (any retail store) to get a beer (a 360). You buy it from the bartender and it's lovely and cool. as it happens the place allows free refills (this counts as the period of time you play, because you don't pay every time you start the console up) which you happily take advantage of.

One day, however, the drinks get horrible and warm because the cooler has broken down, and so nwo you've got to wait several weeks for them to get it fixed and sent back to you.

Not perfect as the beer/bar analogy is rather restrictive, but I think that one's a little more accurate then the bartender slapping you across the face.

Please don't let this become a 360/PS3 console argument.

by RickyM

15 years, 8 months ago

lmao yehome made me laff here ‘stop whining and buy a ps3’ lol a little mean but true, my friend had rrod a few times and STILL buys a new 360, i always tease him and he doesnt like it lmao no offence to any1 like but ' my ps3 is amazing lol

(just a laff, come on dont go mad, i no you have a sense of humour, i mean no disrespect)

by raymondstantz1

15 years, 8 months ago

Most of my friends have 360's as well for the simple fact that it came out first, out of four of them 2 have had the rrod but microsoft were quick to rectify it so its all good.
I decided to go with the ps3 mostly because of my beta testing background on the ps2 and i knew if i got a ps3 i would be able to test some sweet new games :p.

But in all honesty i dont see the point in this so called console war, both systems are pretty even matched on most aspects and it just comes down to either personal preference for the control schemes, games or the price range.

I hope MS dont take too long to get your 360 back to you.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't let it trouble me, but every time, I hear (after all that has already happened) people react with surprise, when their 360s die, it just gets frustrating. Here's a little scenario that will help you understand were I'm coming from:

Say you and your friend, walk into a bar (any retail stores) to get a beer (a 360), and when the bartender (MS), gives you your beer, he SLAPS you across the face (RROD, E 74), and your friend advises you that maybe you should go some place else (try a different system/manufacturer), but you continue to keep getting, beer/a slap in the face, and then on the next day, you decide to go back to that same bar, while your friend continues to try and warn you about the slap in the face, yet you go anyway, after telling your friend to piss off, and then are surprised when the bartender gives you your beer, and then…slaps you across the face. Now how do you think your friend would feel, after trying to give you good advice, on how to NOT get a slap in the face, but was told MYOB?

Yes, I know that that was a little unnecessary, but once I started typing, it was hard to stop.(*ray)

I don't try to tell people what they should or shouldn't do, cause' that's not me, but it's kind of hard to sit back and watch so many people get ripped off/“slapped in the face” (whether they know/care, or not), over, and over again, and not say anything.

And Rob? I do agree with you, and I'm not trying to pick on people who have/wan't to buy 360s. I just hope that MS get's their Sh*t together soon, cause' when they do, I might just pick one up.

Always good when you can just switch beers to slap as well.

(Translation: I also have a back-up, a friend decided he was done with games/xbox and was going to sell it but he gave it to me instead.)

by RickyM

15 years, 8 months ago

Raymond Stantz;141294
Most of my friends have 360's as well for the simple fact that it came out first, out of four of them 2 have had the rrod but microsoft were quick to rectify it so its all good.
I decided to go with the ps3 mostly because of my beta testing background on the ps2 and i knew if i got a ps3 i would be able to test some sweet new games :p.

But in all honesty i dont see the point in this so called console war, both systems are pretty even matched on most aspects and it just comes down to either personal preference for the control schemes, games or the price range.

I hope MS dont take too long to get your 360 back to you.

thats exactly what i have always said, its down to personal preference, and maybe with some people ‘loyalty’ i have had every playstation, so i wouldnt go to microsoft anyway but thats just me, but aswell for me is i love the ps3 controller i find the 360 1 a little 2 big,

and as for the console war, i like to have a bit of banter now and then but only with people who dont take things seriously, lol other than that let the war commence lol

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

thats exactly what i have always said, its down to personal preference, and maybe with some people ‘loyalty’ i have had every playstation, so i wouldnt go to microsoft anyway but thats just me, but aswell for me is i love the ps3 controller i find the 360 1 a little 2 big,

and as for the console war, i like to have a bit of banter now and then but only with people who dont take things seriously, lol other than that let the war commence lol

PS3 is black so it works to hard for too little gain.
(Lol I don't really mean any of this, I LOVE both consoles.)

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

Now I'm not going to go into the whole “you should get a PS3” banter, because you can do whatever you want, but I still can't understand why people still continue to buy 360s, when there is a very good chance that it will most likely end up right back at MS for repairs?

Not to turn this into a debate per Kingpin's wishes, but I will never get a PS3 until they have full backwards compatibility, 'nuff said.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

Not getting into the debate, but still making that sly remark at the end.

That isn't really a good analogy. I would've put it like this:

Say you and your friend, walk into a bar (any retail store) to get a beer (a 360). You buy it from the bartender and it's lovely and cool. as it happens the place allows free refills (this counts as the period of time you play, because you don't pay every time you start the console up) which you happily take advantage of.

One day, however, the drinks get horrible and warm because the cooler has broken down, and so nwo you've got to wait several weeks for them to get it fixed and sent back to you.

Not perfect as the beer/bar analogy is rather restrictive, but I think that one's a little more accurate then the bartender slapping you across the face.

Please don't let this become a 360/PS3 console argument.
The point I was trying to make wasn't whether or not, one console is better than the other, but an explination as to why it is hard for me to, see so many people, repeatedly, get “burned” by MS, not just onece, but multiple times, and still keep going back for more, and why it is hard for me to not say anything. I know it's really none of my business, but I can't help it.