The Great Logo Debate

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Its often been debated why the Ghostbusters logo was changed in the actual movie, as opposed to just as promotional material for the movies, and even LONGER debated what would be the logo in a potential third movie.

Has anyone brought up the fact that, in the video game, the logo on the car has reverted back to the original, as well as on the uniforms?

The video game is going to be considered canon, by most, if not all. So I think we have our answer. The logo reverts back after they were promoting their return.

MODS: Sorry, please merge if you feel its necessary. I just thought this could be its own topic.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

Personally I saw the change of logo’s between the 2 movies, like you said, as sort of advertisement for their return to action so logically after a point I would see a return to the original logo….so I would love to see the original logo from now on instead of some variant. Additionally I remember hearing a while back that an in universe explanation being that the 2 fingers up in the advertisement logo for the movie was actually supposed to be the V for Victory symbol showing their victory in returning

by gobluemichman

16 years, 1 month ago

I agree the GBII logo to me seems as if is just used it for a “come back” use. I have to say tho I like the GBII logo myself. I think we can asume too that after GBII ended they also kept working as well, from what we know of that is. But I think going back to the org logo is great, but to me if they do, do a 3rd movie than I think that they should use the GB logo with 3 fingers to promote the movie but in the movie it self just use the org logo. I think for the game the org logo is prefect. But I have to say tho I like the fact that there is a realism about them using all the logos.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

But I have to say tho I like the fact that there is a realism about them using all the logos.

The original logo is more recognizable than the Ghostbusters 2 logo.

The original is better than the second one, in my opinion and I can easy recognize it.

by gobluemichman

16 years, 1 month ago

Scott Sommer;134337
The original logo is more recognizable than the Ghostbusters 2 logo.

Agreed 100% I just like that like other movies when they have logos and different things like that is seems that it isnt there. Plus too, the first Ghostbuster movie I watched was GBII so….hahaha I some what have a bit more liking for GBII

Agreed tho Scott, I think it is even stated in the newest Ghostbusters dvd booklet that its the second most recognizable logo too in movie history or something like, forgive me if quoted that wrong….

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

Agreed tho Scott, I think it is even stated in the newest Ghostbusters dvd booklet that its the second most recognizable logo too in movie history or something like, forgive me if quoted that wrong….

No you're right.

The Ghostbusters logo is either 2nd or 3rd as the most recognizable behind the Coca-COla logo and the Nike logo.

I can't remember which movie I saw first but I think I say GB 1 first seeing as it is my earliest memory.

by gobluemichman

16 years, 1 month ago

hahaha-side note….I would always have my mom buy the green apple Shampoo, cause it looked like slime to me hahaha, what can I can it was prefect slime

But the cool thing about the GB logo is that, its world wide, and everyone and I mean EVERYONE knows the Ghostbusters logo, and not too many other movies can say they have a logo that stands out, or that is even be its own money making deal, the rights alone will make us millions!!!! hahah

But I will say I will take the org logo anyday…

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

But the cool thing about the GB logo is that, its world wide, and everyone and I mean EVERYONE knows the Ghostbusters logo, and not too many other movies can say they have a logo that stands out, or that is even be its own money making deal, the rights alone will make us millions!!!! hahah

But I will say I will take the org logo anyday…

I think ctrl+Alt+del said it best

by zack1

16 years, 1 month ago

The GB2 logo is still easily recognizable as “Ghostbusters”

by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 1 month ago

The GB2 logo is still easily recognizable as “Ghostbusters”

I feel the same way. There needs to be some sort of difference in logo design. I think the logo on GBII wasn't that big of a problem, and like said, its recognizable.