The Grudge... 2 ouch

by newrecruit1

18 years, 5 months ago

Just saw the movie and I must say… it's a good “scary movie” if you know what I mean :p

it's the movie made by that producer who likes schoolgirl's legs who wet their… towel in front of a ghost that likes to play in their bed when their boyfriend is in the shower :p

And, oh, that ghost uses cellphones! (wonder how I didn't notice that in the first movie; that kills the thrills)

If you want a movie in which you can laugh off your seat, this one is for you. And wait for that bus scene…. :-)

I don't know if the people behind that movie just came out of movieschool but it's like they didn't know how to put the thrill in it. They add the murder scene like to say “hey, this is still a horror movie that you are watching; don't be surprised if it is shocking when we show you a murder after an hour of good laugh!” It makes you wonder why you pay 10$ for violence on the big screen (but the preview of the new James Bond looks realy good when you see it )

Every pieces of the puzzle is there… but they made something else than the original picture with it. And it's very “cliché”, you know, old fashion tools made to create a new easy product for the “horror” section of your videostore.

If you were like me, troubled by the first movie, this one will disappoint you. Don't go see it; it's a teenage movie (no offense) and a good anti depressor (lucky me :-) )

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 4 months ago

You like, triple posted this lol.

by newrecruit1

18 years, 4 months ago

Ouch, I know, had that “debug” message I don't know I much

Well, I wanted to be the first to comment about that ridiculous sequel :p

Thought I had somekind of virus or a bad net configuration. It does not realy matter cose I use a public comp. The only thing I worried about was to not being abble to log in there anymore. Hell, I even created another username.

by TheJabMan

18 years, 4 months ago

Gotta be better than RING2 was :p

by newrecruit1

18 years, 4 months ago

Go see for yourself :-) (^_^) :-) :p

by TheJabMan

18 years, 4 months ago

Well if they don't get attacked by a horde of CGI deer whilst driving thier volkswagen, it must be better :p