The King of the Monsters...Returns?

by Dr.D

15 years, 6 months ago

This is either very good or very bad. As a fan of the series, and a hater of the '98 shitfest, I hope is will come to pass.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Doubt it will. Toho has temporarily “retire” the character. That being said there is a circulating that Toho themselves will be doing a new Godzilla movie themselves in 2014 for Godzilla's sixtieth anniversary.

by Dr.D

15 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I knew that. Legendary is currently in discussion with Toho. I see it like this: Legendary released the info to Bloody Disgusting, so if they doubted that Toho wouldn't allow use of Godzilla, I think Legendary would've kept quiet. Why announce a new film that they don't even the rights to yet. I believe that Toho would be pissed if they announced a new film without some sort of approval. Toho's legal department is supposedly worse then Disney's when it comes to their characters.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Were we reading the same article? Cause the article I was reading just said that Legendary was interested in making a new movie using Godzilla and were in early talks with Toho. Studio's “express interest” in doing movies all the time as one part saber rattling and one part temperature gauge…so that hardly qualifies as a “announcement” of a new movie


Case in Point: 20th Century Fox in the late 80's early 90's expressed interest in making a Watchmen Movie…nothing ever came of it

by OniellFord

15 years, 6 months ago

Oh dear god… *facepalm*

I just hope they know what they're doing. I've been a Godzilla fan since I was 5 and it broke my heart to see the 1998 American Godzilla movie turn my favorite Kaiju into “The Hunchback of New York City.”

I hope they make it Showa-esque. Make Godzilla a Horror movie, just like it was when it debuted in the 1950's.

But I highly doubt they'll do it. Like JamesCGamora said, Toho was supposed to retire the Franchise until 2013-2016.