The main villain

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 10 months ago

Who do you think the main villain will be in Ghostbusters the Video Game?

I'm thinking it's Ivo Shandor. One of the levels shows you catching ghosts in the middle of an Ivo Shandor exhibit at the museum.

by austinthe5thgb

15 years, 10 months ago

its not logical for it to be ivo for one, he was a worshiper of gozer and gozer is a boss in it and two this game feels like the hell on earth scenario originally pinned for the 3 and 4th movie from back in the day

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Not to mention if I remember correctly Shandor was supposed to be deceased by this point but in a franchise about ghosts that really means nill

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 10 months ago

Between the Shandor exhibit, the Gozerian Codex in the library and the haunted architectural firm (Shandor was an architect), I think it's safe to say that Shandor is involved in the storyline. If Shandor is the main baddie (which I think he is) it begs the question: How did he become so powerful that he could cause Gozer, Vigo, etc. to return?

Another possibility for the main villain is the “Collector” Edmund Hoover, whom is referred to in the library level. We know that he seduced Eleanor Twitty, and we know that she guards the Gozerian Codex. Thus, the “Collector” has a connection to the Gozerian Codex, and possibly Shandor as well.

It should be interesting to see how all this fleshes out.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

The latter would see to be the most obvious choice…

by mrpecker2

15 years, 10 months ago

Seems like I remember an interview on G4 in which one of the developers says Pappi Sargassi. Or maybe he was just naming a new ghost for the game and not the main ghost.

I'm interested to see what Gozer will look like. Not a girl this time around. Maybe it'll be Paul Reubens! lol

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

mr pecker;136535
Seems like I remember an interview on G4 in which one of the developers says Pappi Sargassi. Or maybe he was just naming a new ghost for the game and not the main ghost.

I'm interested to see what Gozer will look like. Not a girl this time around. Maybe it'll be Paul Reubens! lol

I believe Pappi Sargasi is just the old seaman ghost that we've seen. I don't believe he was described as the main villain though.

by Andreas

15 years, 10 months ago

Gamestrailers will reveal “a new boss” soon. (*peter)