The Man who fell to Earth

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

I'm currently reading “The man who fell to earth”. I don't remember if I have seen the movie before but I can say that it's a great story, very well wrote.

I did a search on the net and I discovered that they were working on a new movie adaptation… for july 2007. Looks like they had some trouble. But I'm happy to say that it's available on DVD. One is made by studio CRITERION(CDN $64.99) and the other by ANCHOR BAY (CDN $39.99). Both contain 2 dvd and are “special edition”. What's the best?

by Son_Of_Venkman

17 years, 4 months ago

Haven't read the book. Saw the movie, and didn't care for it.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 4 months ago

Seriously, I finished the book not so long ago and when I saw the info and pics about the movie on the net, I was sad. Lots of elements are different compared of what's in the book. I fear the movie, but Bowie plays in it. I think it deserve a look at least once. But 40$…

I realy suggest the book to readers. It's very pleasant to read and interesting
(and you don't see Bowie with a pistol pointed at a woman, it's impossible for his type of character).

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

I’ve noticed the book versions of stories are just about always better than the movie versions.

by robbritton

17 years, 3 months ago

Jaws been a notable exception.

The film is very good, but like all Nic Roeg movies is very hallucinogenic and dreamlike. The narrative tends to become obscured, but the sense you get of the corruption of Thomas Jerome Newton is conveyed very well.

Expect a film that runs more like a fever dream than something conventional and you ought to get on with it. It may be worth getting your head around a more accessible Roeg picture first though - Walkabout for example.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the information. David Bowie is a star I cant ignore. And Newton is the type of character that I like to see in a modern society (If we forget his rout). Close to the book or not, I will see that movie one day or the other!