The man with Questions

by cyclops1

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm new obviously by this being my first post, but I joined these forums because I was into the game. I like Ghostbusters, the movies were great and I am a fan, just not as big of a fan as most of you…yet. Usually people on forums know more than the public readers and followers, so I just wanted to know if anyone could help a fella out. I'll ask a few questions…

1. The exclusives, are they really that exclusive? I know there is a Ghoul costume, the gold proton pack, and the T-shirt and flight costume. Are these really “exclusive” or are they going to be downloadable through the PS store?

2. Any news on a demo?

3. Is it true that the four actors that played the four Ghostbusters in the movie are doing the voices? I don't know where I heard that…

Help would be great. Those would be all of my questions…for now.


15 years, 10 months ago

if u look u can find your answers in these threads.


the demo will be out 2-3 weeks before launch

yes all the actors are back to reprise their roles

and the exclusives idk they might be downloadable at a later time.

by cyclops1

15 years, 10 months ago

Okay, well the demo isn't suprising, the voice actors wasn't suprising, but I still want to know the pre-order thing.(;_

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm pretty sure you can NOT download the T-Shirt…

although I have been known to be wrong before

and, believe it or not, the search function IS your friend…

by cyclops1

15 years, 10 months ago

I will remember that…hopefully.(*_*)Anyways, ha ha, funny, I just want the content information.

by Whisk

15 years, 10 months ago

we're not quite sure yet if these “exclusives” will be downloadable later or not.

The most popular seems to be the GameStop t-shirt and GB2 costume and the Slimer Edition.

by cyclops1

15 years, 10 months ago

Slimer edition? See, the flight suit doesn't appeal to me as much as the ghoul costume. Eh, I guess i'll get it from Best Buy, if it does turn out to be unlockable, I could probably find some codes on ebay.

by Whisk

15 years, 10 months ago

Slimer edition? See, the flight suit doesn't appeal to me as much as the ghoul costume. Eh, I guess i'll get it from Best Buy, if it does turn out to be unlockable, I could probably find some codes on ebay.