The Mattel PKE replica prop

by JimPhelps

13 years, 10 months ago

I know the Mattycollector website is sold out. I know there are some on eBay…or least I think I saw one but the guy didn't have a picture of it. Anyway, do any of the news scoop artists here know if Mattel is going to be making any more available since they were so popular? After all, there is a second prop coming soon from them. I got word late bout the prop, saw the website, emailed them, got emailed back by online store telling me Id have to call them to answer the question. For some reaon they couldn't email me about it, so I called em anyway. Then when I finally got someone on the phone, “Oh you need to contact Mattel about this..we have no control about that here at the online store.” Well, no S. Sherlock…but I call Mattel, after hold H*ll, finally get put thru…to a voicemail. Left a voicemail and still haven't heard anything by phone or email. Does anybody else know anymore? Im really hoping it wasn't a run of 200-whatever only. It sold so well and the figures are going like hotcakes, theres money to be made…so I don't know what would hold them up…Do you guys have any idea?

by Kingpin

13 years, 10 months ago

Presently Mattycollector doesn't have any plans to re-release the PKE anytime soon, if it does get re-released, it'll be for a third Ghostbusters movie.

by KyleStevensALGB

13 years, 9 months ago

I am in the same boat I missed out on getting one of those pke meters myself, I really wished that they did release them,because the people that are selling want too much money for them.