THE MODERATORS, how are we doing?

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

Evil Toaster
Absolutely. That's why we have the PM system, to let Mods and others resolve personal problems there and not publicly on the boards.

Jordan Rudess
“We are NOT machines!”

Now wait a damn minute, you mean to tell me this isn't the Matrix? Then where am I?! :-)

by EvilToaster

21 years, 2 months ago

Evil Toaster
Absolutely. That's why we have the PM system, to let Mods and others resolve personal problems there and not publicly on the boards.

Jordan Rudess
“We are NOT machines!”

Now wait a damn minute, you mean to tell me this isn't the Matrix? Then where am I?! :-)

The train station! :p

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 2 months ago

I think you guys are doing an excellent job keeping the board up. Keep it up!

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

Ive noticed a problem myself, personal conflictions and past fueds seem to fuel alot of the animosity that goes on here. ANd as many have already stated, that either needs to be taken as a private issue, or taken somewhere else. How people on the internet can have fueds i have no idea, because I dont know any of you personally, with exception of a small number of you, and I dont take anything any of you say personally, and if people take it personally, its really showing maturity (Sarcasm). All you have to do is say, “Look man, Im sorry you dont like me, Ill try to be better” I mean, you dont have to really, but to acknowlegde someone seems to make people back down. Mohammad Ali never gave up, and he was champ. So I dont intend to give up on this, I still wanna make this a better place, and I will (*peter) <-heh, i had to try it out

by boholbrook1

21 years, 2 months ago

How people on the internet can have fueds i have no idea

Had you been treated in the manner some of us have been treated by certain leaders and moderators of this site you'd completely understand Spade. (*peter)

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 2 months ago

2 things

Tex is a tool.

Mods, really, we only need one of you per post. If one of you posts about locking a post or whatever, lock it. We dont need 2 of you to do it. Also I dont need a mod telling me that something was posted somewhere else like Im a jackass. Seriously just say it was already posted, but Im sorry, I dont have the time or enegry to read every single damn post okay, so Id appreciate it if the mods didnt act like asses, which they sometimes do.

3rd thing

Do none of you mods have the sense to know if your doing a good job or not? I mean honestly, if your doing a good job, and Im not naming names, you shouldnt be resonding to me in defense unless you are doing something badly.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

Having one mod per Forum isnt a good idea. Unless we mods decided to spend 24/7 online patroling the forum. We have many to cover the time periods.

by Xenographer42

21 years, 2 months ago

The mods, as they stand, are doing just fine… the attrition that befell the boards in recent weeks was much more a GOOD thing than a bad, with a few exceptions (e.g. Sinister… you're missed, man)… as long as we have experienced, objective members as moderators, and as long as that Chilly Daisy f*ck is gone, than I don't have a problem.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 2 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Legendary Advice: Quit your bitching and go talk about Ghostbusters you whiney bastards.

And he solves the problem by being blunt yet again. Thank you, Bo. LISTEN TO HIM…