THE MODERATORS, how are we doing?

by back

21 years, 3 months ago

I noticed that a few are not pleased with the way us mods are doing here. not to flame in the least but i wouldnt mind you guys comming forward and specifing why. some breif healthy critism wouldnt hurt.
im gone.

by XTremeLurker

21 years, 3 months ago

I haven't as yet commented on the mod issue before, but you asked for my opinion, so here goes:

Dan Evans
They're less annoying than the people who bitch about them all the time.

The reason people bitch and moan is that they have a grievance that they feel is not being listened to, or addressed. I've never personally been affected by a mod decision, but I've witnessed many who have, and at times I can see why these people are unhappy.

I totally agree with DanTheMan's point about consistency, as I've also seen threads that have been locked/deleted without explanation, while other similar topics have been allowed to remain open. I've noticed that certain moderators have been able to get away with writing stuff that I doubt any other regular ghosthead would be able to without being either warned, edited or accused of spamming the boards.

I would also like to recommend that if members are going to be castigated for ‘blasphemy’, then it would be helpful if it was somewhere in the rules that you cannot take the lord's name in vain, so that newbies or old regulars who are a little loose with the lord's name will be warned before their posts suddenly get edited/deleted. In addition, I think a lot of posters would appreciate some sort of warning before their posts get edited/deleted, or if they have had complaints from other members so that they can have a chance to take it up with those who have been offended privately. Too often I've seen arguments on this board that maybe could have been solved with a few subtle (and private) PMs.

I also think that maybe it would be a good idea to have some sort of report button, so that members could report another member quickly (especially if a spammer comes back), or flag up a topic that might either cause offence or be regarded as spamming. In this way, the mods would quickly be aware of the topic, to stop it progressing before it gets way out of hand, or get rid of the spammer before they integrate back into the community again.

Finally, and maybe controversially, I still don't understand what PC did that was so awful to get him suspended for two weeks. I wonder whether this was a decision that would have been better made had it been discussed on the board rather than suddenly made out of the blue.

I realise that moderating a message board is a difficult job, and I do not envy any of you for having to do it, but these are general recommendations that I thought may be helpful. I'd have loved to have voted on this poll that the moderators are doing a good job, but at the moment, while there are still discrepancies, I'd say that the mod situation is not so good.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

I would also like to recommend that if members are going to be castigated for ‘blasphemy’, then it would be helpful if it was somewhere in the rules that you cannot take the lord's name in vain, so that newbies or old regulars who are a little loose with the lord's name will be warned before their posts suddenly get edited/deleted.

I'm sorry about that. I got a little carried away. I still don't approve of it, however, although I agree with what you said.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 3 months ago

I see 5 votes up there of people who think were doing a not so good job, thoughs votes are basically usless if your not willing to tell us what were doing wrong or what you think we could be doing better. no one is going to be mad at you if you voice your opinion in hopes to make things better around here, so please step forward.

by AgentD

21 years, 3 months ago

The mods aren't hear to make this place fun.

*in my best Janine*



by lordvego1

21 years, 3 months ago

well a few complaints I have are that some mods just carry on a conversation of something that should have been stopped and locked a while ago.. or encourage it in some way… and then it just takes really long to weave out certain problems… if ya catch my drift… which you probably dont because i cant really explain what i was talking about

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 3 months ago

and then it just takes really long to weave out certain problems… if ya catch my drift…

is that a refferance to me in some way? or am I being paranoid?

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

No, SW, you aren't paranoid, the members aren't talking about you behind your back.


The reason why PC was suspended is as follows:

Hi everybody,

1. The insults and bashing towards the end of this post

you're an idiot.

2. an overwhelming majority mod vote

3. general consensus of the community and people who have contacted me time and time again about his rude and arrogant nature,

all helped reach this decision. After constant warnings and failure to comply with the same rules and regulations everyone else seems to have no problem following, ProtonCharger is suspended for a two week period, we'll see what happens at that time. He has another chance. The issue however is not up for debate here. Everyone knows this isn't the first time and he's had constant warnings/reminders and didn't see a need to change his attitude. Any new posts on the subject of this matter will be deleted. Thanks.


He can post constructively, as show by his faq which had appeared in GBN's Pranormal Forum, but he in most cases chooses to be negative:

i care why? who are you anyway?

by no means am i stupid. i do cuss, and i know when to do so. the problem is most dont know when and how to do it. id like one of you to tell me im stupid, because you know you're wrong.


im good ol pc, and i dine on the flesh of stupid people

im cryin. is there going to be alot of “whats your favorite stuff?” here?

ive got no beef with the mods this time around. save for one immature one. but the rest are ok by me.

“please dont think im a loser” (show goofy smile so they dont think you're a loser.)

thanks. thanks for ignorin this very helpful tool.

i thought bestler was locking “im new” posts. these just clog up and are lame.

glad to see mellie off the list

i agree with that last one riddle, it was a surprise. i wanted to see his boo hoo im a loser post.

obviously the noobs dont know who i am. or who the real jim morrison is. because, that's james douglas himself in the animation.
not to mention, basing a lame noobie opinion on a member's avatar an sig pic thats a little more grounded into the community than them is really stupid.
oh look, that mbison guy is gay. he has two guys hugging in his avatar! and he's a black shirt wearin nancy boy.

see what im sayin?just stop before you cry to momma


man is this place a shit hole

are you saying that i have no sense of humor when i find pee pee poo poo gooey porkchop gak squishy icky pee pee poo poo kindergarden humor funny? screw you. infact, that should say that i, and others that do not find that shit humorus are a bit more advance in maturity. because your absolutely wrong.
What mature adult even says stuff like the above?

Case in point. Some people will most likely accuse me of being biased, as I have a ‘vendetta’ against PC, to be honest, I never had a vendetta against him, I'd even agree that his posts are helpful, if worded appropriately. But the above stuff in most of the cases is not what we want. Somebody (Possibly PC) likened this place to Kindergarten, if so, hazing and getting new members out of certain mannerisms is okay, but how he's done it so far is not the right way.

by MIlenka

21 years, 3 months ago

my main upset is that you let Icer keep his horrendous topic, and you didn't lock it or edit it or anything! I know he's gone… Thats the only reason I came back.
Some real decent topics are locked for no apparent reason at all. Some blatantly pointless ones keep going on and on.
What I think should happen is start deleting old threads, and I mean REALLY old threads. Threads that havn't had replies to them in over a week or so. I mean it cuts down on spacetaker uppers, and frees space for future threads.

by missygirl8520001

21 years, 3 months ago

I say they are doing an execllent job on keeping the boards under control and pretty much cool with all of them. And that way I don't see no useless topics and spam. Keep up the good work! :-)