THE MODERATORS, how are we doing?

by EvilToaster

21 years, 3 months ago

Hey, wow. My name in bold got my attention.

and evil toaster what have i truly done to you to even remotely get a “slight vendetta”?

ok. looking back on it now, it probably wasn't that big of a deal, but I still can't seem to wipe it clear from my mind. about a year ago, I was just on the boards for about a month, and then I remember something about us having a disagreement about a band who I liked and you didn't, and we ended up having a quarrel about it. (the posts have been deleted so I can't prove exactly what it was.) but it certainly left a bad taste in my mouth and the event has sat at the back of my mind for a while now. Heck I wouldn't even call it a vendetta, I mean I don't totally hate your guts or anything like that.

…there are some (moderators) that may possibly have a vendetta against you, i sure hope that doesnt go in your(the moderators) decisions when you decide ultimately if someone is suspended or banned.

It doesn't for me. like I said earlier,

Evil Toaster
I will admit this straight, I do have a slight vendetta against PC. But I try not to let it hamper my judgement.

I never make biased decisions. no mods should. but trust me, anyone else who is reading this thread, if I have a vendetta against you I will tell you. i use a no-bullsh** approach. anything i say in the mod forum is not pertinent just to the mod forum.

that, my fellow posters, makes me wonder, what truly kind of moderators are around here.

if you don't think i'm helping by being a mod, tell someone about it. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. if I did just “luck into it”, then maybe i should be gone.

by lordvego1

21 years, 3 months ago

wow Steve (PC even though i know thats not your real name but i remember saying i was going to call you that) that was one hell of a post.. half way through i lost my way.. but that doesnt matter since i aint a mod.. but its GREAT to see you back

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 3 months ago

it boggles my mind why only one moderator responded to my post. i had points for all.

a 17/11 vote in favor ofa good job is also, mind boggling. like my decision for being banned, i know not everyone voted. which should have been taken into account and waited for until all is banned. but so far it is in your favors. there are more than 11 people that feel the way i do.

which brings me to further mod decisions.

if you all decide to suspend/ ban someone,you should make damn sure every mod voted. and every mod has input. i know that is unable to be done in the real world, but since this board is “trying to be democratic” every person in moddom should vote and there is no excuse for no voters. even an “undecided” would work, and a recount would ensue. you all should know voting process.


Bluto Blutarsky
Evil Toaster
Master Spider

this post should have been moved. no doubt one or two were on today to notice this post. pete venkman called you out. im the messanger.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 3 months ago

And thank you for being that messenger. I was out working last night when the thread came about, and as a whole we overlooked that thread. thanks for pointing that out.

it currently resides in the marketplace forum.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 3 months ago

im almost 100 percent sure im not going to generate a mod response from my posts in this topic. because im 100 percent truthful in my post. thanks toaster for havin brassies.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 3 months ago

im almost 100 percent sure im not going to generate a mod response from my posts in this topic. because im 100 percent truthful in my post. thanks toaster for havin brassies.

I've read through your posts and you have some very good points.

there are some mods that abuse their power. it is lame that they can get away with certain things, and continue to be a moderator, and post rules that i post that they are breaking themselves. said moderators, are not really even worthy of their positions and just luck into it everytime there's a vote or a position is given. and many of us have openly spoke out against a certain moderator, and we cannot do anything more than that, moderators say to make a post about him and a vote, which was done, but ultimately it was locked and our voices went unheard. and even i am an example of this moderators moaning, i was banned a few months ago because i spoke out against him, and still do, and will not stop until they are removed from position. said mod should know who i am speaking of, and you all as well. another thing that gets on my nerves is when i speak my disliking of a member of the board, and its deleted. in the real world, outside of your wonderful computer fantastic fun dream land you all live in, people will not like you. i would rather sleep better at night knowing someone didnt like me, than be restless knowing if they'll stab me in the back or not the next day. i'll have a good nights rest knowing what the deal is.(im referring to my post in spamqueen's im back post, which, rules from long ago, wouldnt have lasted three pages and would promptly have been deleted anyway. is “I DONT CARE with a cherry on top” and my strong disliking for her and mentioning a small coincidence offensive? nope. but obviously someone deleted it.

I used to think that you were an asshole. But you're not, you just have oppinions that alot of people misinterpret, and your just a brutally honest person who holds nothing back when you state your oppinions. I'll admit that I find you offensive, but you're honest. Honesty is a quality that most people admire, yet it seems that when they hear pure, unfiltered honesty, they get offended and call the other person a jackass. I greatly admire your honesty. There are very few truly honest people in this world.

i totally understand why im not a mod. but it pisses me off that brand new people are even given the chance to become a moderator. they dont know the community, the just joined up, and already they are asking to be a moderator. i posted “hey you could be the next bluto blutarsky or mbison” in a thread that some guy requested moddom zand it was deleted each time. only later, to be repeated by someone else and it was kept. figures. regardless, there should have been some sort of limits for signing up to vote.

I can see why you consider me to be a newbie, I haven't been around for as long as most of the mods here, and I'm sure that there are some other people who may consider me a newbie. But I've been here for half a year, and I'm aware of the problems that the board faces. If you feel that I'm still too new, hey, I've got no problem with that. It's your oppinion and I respect it.

this one just popped in there, but also, it seems as though a moderator position is pretty much set in stone. which, in some cases is agreeable. but certain moderators make me take that back and think,“ HEY! we vote politicians! they only last about a year or so!” so whammo. i think there should be a timespan people hold mod office. and even still, they get to know that we hold their jobs in our hands. rather voting them for a forever position they can get their seat groove in, they can be just as jumpy as they make some of us!

I think that having a timespan for mod positions is a great idea. If people think certain mods are doing a good job, they can vote them back in, and if people think that some mods are doing a bad job, they can get rid of them. In order to make this board more of a community, we need to let everyone's voice be heard.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 3 months ago

im proud of you bluto. thanks.

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

Proton Charger

The post has been moved. One more reason PC's “alert” button is a good idea.

Bluto Blutarsky
I used to think that you were an asshole. But you're not, you just have oppinions that alot of people misinterpret, and your just a brutally honest person who holds nothing back when you state your oppinions. I'll admit that I find you offensive, but you're honest. Honesty is a quality that most people admire, yet it seems that when they hear pure, unfiltered honesty, they get offended and call the other person a jackass. I greatly admire your honesty. There are very few truly honest people in this world.

I've been quiet throughout the whole PC controversy of late, but I think Bluto has nailed it on the head. I think a lot of people have decided “PC is a jerk” and write off everything he says as “just PC shooting his mouth off again”–even when he makes sense

It hasn't been easy to keep quiet–to paraphrase PC, “sitting on the fence causes your butt to hurt”. I have good friends on both sides of the “PC? Truthsayer or Goon?” debate.

Have I always agreed with him? No. But to be honest I have yet to ever be personally offended by him either–though I can see how other people could be. Maybe it's just because I haven't done anything stupid enough for him to comment on. I have a lot of respect for his honesty, his insight, and yes, his razor-sharp sense of humor. He can be a bit vulgar for some tastes, I grant you, but the man is damn funny.

You know what my honest observation is? Since PC is unpopular with some of the Mods here, some members and even Mods have felt that it's open season to dump on him no matter what he says. He's not the only one–I've seen some slams against the notorious spammer Garfield Fanatic that would get deleted if it wasn't someone that nobody on this board likes.

Granted, we're all human. I make mistakes as much as anyone. I shot my mouth off last week in the GBNS board and got called on it–the post doing so was deleted by me shortly afterward. If it was a heartfelt shot that might be one thing, but it was over controversies that have been resolved–or at least shelved–months ago.

I hope the other Mods will remember this if nothing else:

Unlike the Moderators at any other GB board, we were elected to the positions. Even the Senior Mods were elected to Modship before being appointed to that job. It means we have our powers not because we're all (necessarily) the Webmaster's friends–it means we have the trust and respect of our members. But it also gives us a responsibility to the users of this board and even, to some extent, some of the other boards–we're leaders in the community, and we have to act like it. Enforce the rules fairly. Listen to what people have to say–no matter who they are. And to paraphrase Toygeek “Use some damn tact” in your dealings.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

Okay, I took my time to read your whole post, PC.

i think one of the rules in this forum should be about no requests for modship. because its so lame how many there are. ive been gone two weeks and thats all i see on every post ive read. ridiculous.

I must admit, that's actually a pretty good suggestion.

not to mention, a freakin “proton charger is suspended” post. what do you all want? a party.

We actually had planned not to announce it, but it was decided that it would be posted so people wouldn't start asking what had happened to you…I guess either way people were gonna complain.

I've grudgingly admitted it before, that you have, and can post constructively…

I think a main problem, as Bluto said, is the delivery. Here's an example:

YOU'RE A GREAT, BLOODY FRIEND!! and Sucks to you.

I guess with all the insults included in what you say, it kinda clouds the more constructive point of the post. Though, I gotta admit, in some ways I kinda admire the fact you state your mind, whether or not I agree with what's being said. Though, I'm not saying this to start or improve on some friendship, as I doubt we'll never be friends, PC. Though, I guess there's something to say when you and Vego, both long-time enemies got together as friends, hmmm.

I'll agree, the alert buttons was a good idea, Chad did mention at one point of a system of allerting all the MODs in a certain group, but nothing new's come from that.

I'll also agree, you can be very funny, as from the snippets of your GB.nuts submission that I've had time to see. Also including the post that Matthew brought up in connection with Garfield-fanatic.

do you know what spam is?

let me tell you.
its in this can. its kind of fake meat. some people like it, some people dont. what you are doing is making alot of bad spam. no one likes bad spam.

i dont like any kind of spam, and im surely not liking you. there is no such thing as rank here, so there is no need for you to begin as many topics as you do, adn even moreso as useless as you do. likei advised you before, stop with the lame newbie excuse.

Classic! :p

I guess on the agression and ‘dumping on’ issue, we should all get a hobby which is stress relieving…preferably destroying something in
the process… Because I know it's a dangerous thing for me to post, while p'd off, as Bo and the Nightsquad Forum members saw.

There were other pics then the ones I recived from an unknown source? Heh, speaking of which, look out for next week's edition of Ghostbusters.nuts.

back to the topic…I think I'm gonna need to keep this in mind for a while…