THE MODERATORS, how are we doing?

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 2 months ago

Ya know anyone complaining that a post needs to be locked needs to stop. Its gonna be locked if it is worhty of being locked. People dont need to wine about how offensive it is. If its stupid, go head, make fun of them, I find that entertaining. But those who go,
“hey! hey! hey!, this is totally offensive lock it lock it lock it lock it, were all 5 and cant handle oursleves in an argument”
that sucks.

Ive seen a few people mentioning how seniority should not have been a factor in electing mods… now I dont think it was a factor. Look who was nelected
M. Bison for gods sake
Evil Toaster
River of Slime
Most of these guys cept the ones who left, are doing a good job, but the other thing is none of these people would I really call having a lot of seniority. DONT take this the wrong way. Im just saying theres alot of members in the communtity that have been around longer then them, and these guys all got to be mods, so saying that Seniority was some kind of factor doesnt make sense, most the guys that have been here a long time and are mods, should be mods regardless of seniority.
Master Spider
others, if I didnt mention you I dont worry about it
but in any case these guys should be mods regardless of seniority.
So to sum up all of the above, Seniority had basically little or no factor in people electing mods from what Ive seen.
I just wnated to address those of you who have been saying that.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 2 months ago

Ya know anyone complaining that a post needs to be locked needs to stop. Its gonna be locked if it is worhty of being locked. People dont need to wine about how offensive it is. If its stupid, go head, make fun of them, I find that entertaining. But those who go,
“hey! hey! hey!, this is totally offensive lock it lock it lock it lock it, were all 5 and cant handle oursleves in an argument”
that sucks.

Ive seen a few people mentioning how seniority should not have been a factor in electing mods… now I dont think it was a factor. Look who was nelected
M. Bison for gods sake
Evil Toaster
River of Slime
Most of these guys cept the ones who left, are doing a good job, but the other thing is none of these people would I really call having a lot of seniority. DONT take this the wrong way. Im just saying theres alot of members in the communtity that have been around longer then them, and these guys all got to be mods, so saying that Seniority was some kind of factor doesnt make sense, most the guys that have been here a long time and are mods, should be mods regardless of seniority.
Master Spider
others, if I didnt mention you I dont worry about it
but in any case these guys should be mods regardless of seniority.
So to sum up all of the above, Seniority had basically little or no factor in people electing mods from what Ive seen.
I just wnated to address those of you who have been saying that.

You seem to be one of the only people who has a problem with me. If there's something that you'd like to adress about what I've done, please tell me what it is. I know that I made a mistake awhile ago about a topic that J.C posted, but I explained my reasoning and appoligized for that. If there's something else that you'd like to address, please tell me about it. I want to know what I can do better.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 2 months ago

Bluto Blutarsky
I want to know what I can do better.

zack sure doesnt. thats why youve got that as a good quality, you want to take ideas on how to be a better mod. zack just automatically does a fantastic job because he's zack! AND EVERYTHING IS JUST FINE!

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 2 months ago

wow. wowy wow wow. if i could only say what im thinkin. i said quite a bit of stuff about what i think aobut the moderators, and all you ever say is “we're doin fine”. “im doin excellent” ive addressed somethings that have to do with you. and you say my opinion doesnt matter, and acted like a complete asshole and beat around the bush, which was to be expected of you.

and if you quit, it wouldnt make me miss any sleep over it. ive learned anyone's username that ends in “ack” i dont like. i note your sarcasm in your last post. and dont deny it either.

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

Okay Zack, just. chill. out. for pete's sake! PC's “opinions” such as they are, don't really hold much water when you think about them. IMHO, and this is not being an buttkisser, I think you do a good job at modding. Now, when I was doing my Moderator opinion thread, I was mostly asking did we do the right thing by voting in mods who didn't uphold their duties. I wasn't asking for them to be on all the time. I didn't even say they all were bad. The Moderators, such as they are, do a good job on what they do, which is try to keep these boards clean. Keyword: TRY. They are not Superman or the Justice League, but are just fans who try to their duties as best they can. Now, there are room for improvements (such as Mods who can be on on certain times for those who are incapcitated), but such as it is, I (and prolly the whole community) can accept what we got.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

if you don't like it, tough.

In case you weren't aware, your opinion holds no value to me.


Well gee Zack, nice way to turn a thread about how to improve the moderating group as a whole into an “I don't give a shit about your opinions” thread.

by gbmasterman

21 years, 2 months ago

My opinion is is that this should be a thread for the non mods to say how they think the mods are doing and not have the mods come in and say that they are doing fine because they never will admit that they arn't doing so well! I think that most of the mods are doing fine. Then there are some that maybe need to get used to it or just plain can't do the job.

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 2 months ago

Bluto Blutarsky
Ya know anyone complaining that a post needs to be locked needs to stop. Its gonna be locked if it is worhty of being locked. People dont need to wine about how offensive it is. If its stupid, go head, make fun of them, I find that entertaining. But those who go,
“hey! hey! hey!, this is totally offensive lock it lock it lock it lock it, were all 5 and cant handle oursleves in an argument”
that sucks.

Ive seen a few people mentioning how seniority should not have been a factor in electing mods… now I dont think it was a factor. Look who was nelected
M. Bison for gods sake
Evil Toaster
River of Slime
Most of these guys cept the ones who left, are doing a good job, but the other thing is none of these people would I really call having a lot of seniority. DONT take this the wrong way. Im just saying theres alot of members in the communtity that have been around longer then them, and these guys all got to be mods, so saying that Seniority was some kind of factor doesnt make sense, most the guys that have been here a long time and are mods, should be mods regardless of seniority.
Master Spider
others, if I didnt mention you I dont worry about it
but in any case these guys should be mods regardless of seniority.
So to sum up all of the above, Seniority had basically little or no factor in people electing mods from what Ive seen.
I just wnated to address those of you who have been saying that.

You seem to be one of the only people who has a problem with me. If there's something that you'd like to adress about what I've done, please tell me what it is. I know that I made a mistake awhile ago about a topic that J.C posted, but I explained my reasoning and appoligized for that. If there's something else that you'd like to address, please tell me about it. I want to know what I can do better.

I didnt say anything critical of you. I wasnt talking about what kind of job youve done. Read it again.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 2 months ago

I misinterpreted it, sorry 'bout that.

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

Is it just me…or is this thing slowly decending into a simple insult-opinion marathon?