21 years, 2 months ago
21 years, 2 months ago
Ya know anyone complaining that a post needs to be locked needs to stop. Its gonna be locked if it is worhty of being locked. People dont need to wine about how offensive it is. If its stupid, go head, make fun of them, I find that entertaining. But those who go,
“hey! hey! hey!, this is totally offensive lock it lock it lock it lock it, were all 5 and cant handle oursleves in an argument”
that sucks.
Ive seen a few people mentioning how seniority should not have been a factor in electing mods… now I dont think it was a factor. Look who was nelected
M. Bison for gods sake
Evil Toaster
River of Slime
Most of these guys cept the ones who left, are doing a good job, but the other thing is none of these people would I really call having a lot of seniority. DONT take this the wrong way. Im just saying theres alot of members in the communtity that have been around longer then them, and these guys all got to be mods, so saying that Seniority was some kind of factor doesnt make sense, most the guys that have been here a long time and are mods, should be mods regardless of seniority.
Master Spider
others, if I didnt mention you I dont worry about it
but in any case these guys should be mods regardless of seniority.
So to sum up all of the above, Seniority had basically little or no factor in people electing mods from what Ive seen.
I just wnated to address those of you who have been saying that.
21 years, 2 months ago
Bluto Blutarsky
I want to know what I can do better.
21 years, 2 months ago
21 years, 2 months ago
21 years, 2 months ago
if you don't like it, tough.
In case you weren't aware, your opinion holds no value to me.
21 years, 2 months ago
21 years, 2 months ago
Bluto BlutarskyBlueWaveGB
Ya know anyone complaining that a post needs to be locked needs to stop. Its gonna be locked if it is worhty of being locked. People dont need to wine about how offensive it is. If its stupid, go head, make fun of them, I find that entertaining. But those who go,
“hey! hey! hey!, this is totally offensive lock it lock it lock it lock it, were all 5 and cant handle oursleves in an argument”
that sucks.
Ive seen a few people mentioning how seniority should not have been a factor in electing mods… now I dont think it was a factor. Look who was nelected
M. Bison for gods sake
Evil Toaster
River of Slime
Most of these guys cept the ones who left, are doing a good job, but the other thing is none of these people would I really call having a lot of seniority. DONT take this the wrong way. Im just saying theres alot of members in the communtity that have been around longer then them, and these guys all got to be mods, so saying that Seniority was some kind of factor doesnt make sense, most the guys that have been here a long time and are mods, should be mods regardless of seniority.
Master Spider
others, if I didnt mention you I dont worry about it
but in any case these guys should be mods regardless of seniority.
So to sum up all of the above, Seniority had basically little or no factor in people electing mods from what Ive seen.
I just wnated to address those of you who have been saying that.
You seem to be one of the only people who has a problem with me. If there's something that you'd like to adress about what I've done, please tell me what it is. I know that I made a mistake awhile ago about a topic that J.C posted, but I explained my reasoning and appoligized for that. If there's something else that you'd like to address, please tell me about it. I want to know what I can do better.
21 years, 2 months ago
21 years, 2 months ago