The movie of all collage movies, Animal House! You guys like it?

by back

23 years ago

Got it for Christmas, watched it about 30 times already and was just wondering - whats your opinion/reveiw of the film?
im gone.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

One of the best movies ever..

by Ectodude

23 years ago

“Holy shit!”
“There were blanks in that gun!”
“I didn't even point the gun at him!”
“Holy shit!”
"There were blanks in that gun!“
”Maybe he had a heart attack!“
”Holy Shit!"


does that answer you question?

by Dr.Venkman

23 years ago

Who doesn't like Animal House? wink

by DocEggman

23 years ago

That, my friends, is the definitive, idealized portrait of college life. It's the film that has made hundreds of guys want to join a fraternity. John Belushi is at his best in that movie and the supporting cast members, such as Peter Riegert and Stephen Furst really had a sense of comic timing. Ya gotta love the scene where Belushi breaks the beer bottles on his head and the infamous scene where he breaks the guitar during the toga party… classic stuff…

by back

23 years ago

yeah, the dead horse was funny, the cake reading: “EAT ME” on it blew me away as well.smilelol
im gone.

by Ectodude

23 years ago

“Lets take the cheese!”