The NES GB games.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

I played these games before Angry Video Game Nerd.

We kind of all did. Video Game Nerd is probably the first review of these games.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;140626
We kind of all did. Video Game Nerd is probably the first review of these games.

*The first in-depth video review maybe…The first ever was an interview with David Crane about the very first GB1 game, before it even came out:

*And the first GB game I ever played myself was in 1988 - GB for the NES ironically :-)…


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

*The first in-depth video review maybe…The first ever was an interview with David Crane about the very first GB1 game, before it even came out:

*And the first GB game I ever played myself was in 1988 - GB for the NES ironically :-)…


Yes, but that is one game. VG nerd did all of them. At least all the ones even worth mentioning I believe.

I never saw one for the genesis version…not even in print.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;140834
I never saw one for the genesis version…not even in print.

*From 1990:


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Well….I have been wrong before. Okay well not completely wrong. I did say I never saw one and this is new to me.

Do all you guys purposely keep everything that has Ghostbusters on it whether it is good or bad?

Yeah you are right….stupid questions.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer
Do all you guys purposely keep everything that has Ghostbusters on it whether it is good or bad?

*Yes , but remember - “Bad” is a relative term…What's “bad” to one could be “gold” to another (*peter):-)…


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

*Yes , but remember - “Bad” is a relative term…What's “bad” to one could be “gold” to another (*peter):-)…



I mean I could sit here and say “How do you know what is ”good“ if you don't have the ”Bad“ to describe it?”

Just look at the video game nerd. There are some games that are just really bad to play, but since he is a video game nut he collects them whether or not they are bad games.

So in terms of Ghostbusters: look at the things that make Ghostbusters good and compare it to all the things are were….erm….what is a better term for it……“poor and inaccurate” to the Ghostbusters franchise.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

Wait….you're not implying that Ghostbusters for the Mega Drive was a bad game are you? Cause I'll have to beat you with a shoe if you are, I absolutely love that game. It was probably one of the best of the old games, that and New Ghostbusters 2. (That game was hella cool for some reason! And yes, i did just say “hella”. And yes I am ashamed of that fact!)


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Of course not, what's the matter with you?

I was referring to the one on Atari 2600