The New Ecto-Mobile...maybe, It's just a thought.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 11 months ago

See, that's just it. If it get's destroyed, then a fifty-somthing year old car can be properly retired, not just left on display somewhere. It would get one last good run. Think of the Bluesmobiel in “Blues Brothers”. Aykroyd could crawl out and give it the same dumbfounded look he gave the Bluesmobile as it completely fell apart. Venkman could go, “Well… at least we switched to Geico.”

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

Killing Ecto-1 is like…killing the whole team off.

I don't think they would give up that car cause the GBs themselves had too many memories. It would be awesome to see them use a new car for the Ecto 2 only to hav the thing break down and broken or gets possessed by a spirit. So they go back to the old Ecto-1 to defeat the Ecto-2 only to have the two Ectos get destroyed or something like that I guess.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 11 months ago

I believe the Ecto-1 (and the 1A eventually) were hopefully restored for another reason than just promotional activities. I doubt in a live action movie there would be a big ecto chase scene like in the cartoons and video game. The closest one to that was cut out of GB 2. The ecto is iconic enough I would like to think they'd keep it and not destroy it in the storyline. Even if it was damaged, it would be fixed or replaced with the same model i.e Dukes of Hazzard and Starsky and Hutch remakes.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 11 months ago

That's the problem with today's cars, I realy don't like their front view. I say keep the original car, add more technology on it and less commercial junk.

A new vehicle is good for surprising the viewers, but only if we keep the original car during the first middle of the movie. Well, that's my point of view.

by JSpengler

15 years, 11 months ago

1959 Cadillac Ambulance\Hearse VS 2010 Cadillac Station Wagon?
I Like the old Ecto alot but that doesn't mean this isn't a fly car.

This is NOT the Ghostbusters' style. This looks like something you want to put your kids in on a family trip.