The New Ectomobile

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Of those concept designs, the top one looks like a taxi.

Both are, modelled off of the old checker cabs you never see anymore.

Funny though… I'm pretty sure the LED billboards you frequently see on New York Taxis these days weren't even around in 89… so does this mean that design almost foreshadowed their implementation?

by crazymrtibbs

18 years, 1 month ago

My own Ecto-Hummer design. I apologize for the filter but it brushed up the shotty photoshopping. Notice the built in Containment Unit in back portion. Needs more fun equipment on top but whatever.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Of those concept designs, the top one looks like a taxi.

Both are, modelled off of the old checker cabs you never see anymore.

Funny though… I'm pretty sure the LED billboards you frequently see on New York Taxis these days weren't even around in 89… so does this mean that design almost foreshadowed their implementation?

Lol, or the taxi service stole those designs from GB.

My own Ecto-Hummer design. I apologize for the filter but it brushed up the shotty photoshopping. Notice the built in Containment Unit in back portion. Needs more fun equipment on top but whatever.

Not a fan of a red ecto but that's very cool. Nice job.

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

nice pics and all but, why would anyone want the guys to be polluting the air with a dumpcrap hummer? :p

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

nice pics and all but, why would anyone want the guys to be polluting the air with that dumpcrap? :p

The Ghostbusters could make it a nuclear solar powered hybrid or whatever so it doesn't pollute.

Now come against that one!

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

Now come against that one!


solar powered? mmm that sounds better…

we gotta save the planet man

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

From Ghost not polluted air :p

by crazymrtibbs

18 years, 1 month ago

With the cash that comes in from busting I don't think they'd be much worried about the air.

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

*sigh* nice thinking man… (*egon)

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 1 month ago

The Ghostbusters could make it a nuclear solar powered hybrid or whatever so it doesn't pollute.

Now come against that one!

*pops knuckles* If you're going to split hairs on the technicals, a solar-powered car would be a bad idea because it is stored inside when not in use, it is used in big citites near skyscrapers that block out the sun, and because there would so much ghostbusting at night.


I've noticed a lot of people look at the ghostbusters as sort of a paramilitary force, almost like police officers.

For me I've always looked at them as exterminators, as a small business. In Ghostbusters 2 during the court scene, the electrician says “Yeah, that's the stuff the cops pulled out of their truck.”

“Truck” is the word that sticks with me.

When I see the “We Believe You” on the side of the Ecto-1a, it is reminiscent of the little slogan to find on plumber trucks and vans, “Family-owned since 1968,” or “When you can't be flushin, we'll come-a-rushin'.”

Or better yet, pest control. Even the uniforms are based off of what you would see on a guy coming to get raccoons and roaches out of your house.

I see the cars as being a lot more utilitarian than stylish.

In 1984, the Cadillac Miller-Meteor was 25 years old, and the one they bought was not classic in any means of the word. It was a junky vehicle that was large enough to store their equipment, and cheap enough to buy right off the spot (though the price they paid was without all the tons and tons of work they would have to do to put it in running order).

I like to think they were looking for something very simple, and happened to stumble across a car that looks absolutely badass when it's fins are painted red.

But then, it's just a very very minute part of the movie that is almost never dealt with other than in montages, the only reason I've put thought into this is because I built my own :p

Still… hummers? Come on…