The New Ghostbusters Timeline

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

As a Certified Historian of Things That Never Were (thanks to Edgar Governo
Historian of Things That Never Were
) I wish to unviel my latest project, a little sister to the now-semifamous Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline

The New Ghostbusters Timeline

This timeline is a work in progress that has barely started. As you might have already guessed, it is centered around the new Ghostbusters comic book to be released by 88MPH Studios.

Thusly, starting out, it's a load of pure conjecture–based off lore established by RGB, XGB, and even the GBI role playing game, but it considers Year One as 2003, and thus dates affecting the biographies of the Ghostbusters themselves are advanced twenty years

(Example: In the Omnibus, Egon's conjectural birthdate is November 21, 1957. In the New Timeline, it's November 21, 1977)

It presents a distilled essence of Ghostbuster history. Unless it's actually mentioned in GB1, it is NOT canon yet. Even the Ghostbusters' histories have been simplified–only the non-supernatural backstory has been conjectured (in other words, as cool as the Boogeyman is, he's not in there until/unless 88MPH “reestablishes” him)

I offer it as a reference to Red and company in the hopes that they will consider it as their comic launches, to minimize unintentional contradiction with what has come before.

And of course I offer it to all Ghostheads as a resource for the great new series to come.

:s :d

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 9 months ago

Wow. Good Job. That's very very good…geez.


by EGraves

21 years, 9 months ago

*appropriately impressed whistle*

Where do you find the time to do all of these wonderful wonderful things?

*Scans Veedramon with a PKE meter* I'm getting readings of at least a Class VII here, boys…

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Well, I have a forty hour a week job, but besides that no life. :d

Actually, the new timeline was relatively simple: I just hacked away almost everything from the aforementioned Omnibus Timeline. (That was the product of almost five years of off-and-on work)

by missjanine

21 years, 9 months ago

*bows down in humble supplication again* This is incredible! Like I said once before, fresh start for the guys.

btw- congrats on having the timeline on Edgar's site. I knew it belonged there.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Again, another document that should be saved on every ghosthead's computer. Its AWESOME!!!!! to say the least. Veedramon, I once again bow down to you. Great job man.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

*Hands Fritz a pack Dr. Peter Venkman Peanut Butter Cups*

That's wonderful, Fritz! You've done really GREAT! :s :d I hope 88mph Studios will use it. They'd be insane not to.

And the Omnibus Timeline is right at home on Edgar's website. Now even more people can learn when/how/what/where/who/why things happened in The Real Ghostbusters' Universe. BRILLIANT! :s :d

This reminds Me of how the Ghostbusters Fact List that's going to be sent to 88mph Studios should be. Like what Fritz said before, everything that happened after GB1 is not cannon yet. Which means that the Facts about the events/episodes/issues after GB1 won't be mentioned in the Fact List that's sent to 88mph Studios. What will be mentioned in the Fact List being sent, will be:
1.) Information about how the Equipment/Technology and the Ghost Classification System work.
2.) Background/History of the Ghostbusters, themselves, prior to GB1, such as Biographical Information, Hobbies, Skills, Talents, Knowledge, Childhood, Relatives, Relatives' names, Genealogy/Ancestry, etc.

All of the things contained in that Fact List were learned from the Movies, Ghostbusters International, RGB, EGB, and various other websites with info. NO, this does not mean that events that took place after GB1 are included. It just means that the facts that we learned are the backgrounds of the Characters, which took place before GB1, but we didn't find out about them unitil after GB1. So in other words, those facts are still cannon. :s :d

I sure do hope 88mph Studios will use those Facts and the New Ghostbusters Timeline. It will provide perfect Characterization and prevent unintentional contridiction with the events that took place before GB1. :s :d

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Now THIS I like! :d

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Wow, great list Fritz

Hands Fritz a Golden copy of the History of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Kingpin, Matthew, and everyone else, thank you both as always for your encouragement and support.

Sinister, it's always a treat on those occassions where we agree on something. We come at things from different angles sometimes, but as a geometry teacher would say, two non-parallel lines will inevitably intersect. (I'm not sure that makes much sense either…I'm tired and about to go to bed…)

I just fixed a few spelling and transfer errors (including one pesky one I thought I'd already fixed :l( )…good grief, I had the year in the right spot but Winston's birth year still said “1953”…oopsie.

Definitely looking forward to this fall…and having more stuff to add to this!