The New Ghostbusters Timeline

by KWilliams

21 years, 8 months ago

That is SO COOL! Lots of research and work went into that I bet.

BTW< you have Louis being born twice: 1979 and 1980 I think.

Great work!!


by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Oh Fritz, something just crossed my mind while doing the Fact List. It's a entry to cover both 1959 and 1989/90

The Ghost invasion combatted by the fire fighters of Hook and Ladder No.8, which happened in 1959, and then the Historic Monument Status being placed on the Hook and Ladder No.8 Firehouse in 1989/90.

Whoops, realised this is the wrong timeline topic

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Some minor modifications have been made to the New Timeline. First, some information supplied to me by Kingpin and Doc Ryedale has been added, but the most important tweak is in the date entries starting with the conjectured birth of Winston Zeddemore in 1973…

Thirty Years Ago (1973)

Let's face it folks, most comic books don't progress in anything close to “real time.” To explain what I mean, just look at Spider-Man…if he aged in real time, he'd be in his late fifties and thinking about retirement by now. But inside the Marvel Universe itself, only approximately ten years have passed compared to forty in the real world. (A 1/4 time progression is a good average…I seem to recall some validation of it during the Spider Clone arc of the mid-Nineties, a reference to the original story taking place “five years ago” when it was twenty in Real Life)

I have no idea yet whether 88MPH will follow suit, or keep a “real time” perspective, but this way we're covered whichever way they go.

by BorgeoisBuffoon

21 years, 8 months ago

Good job, Mr. Veedramon. I personally hope it's done in the ‘1/4’ timeline aspect, because by now the GBs in all the other continuities would be….old. If this comic is as succesful as I hope it is, I wouldn't want it to eventually follow the same fate and have them get….old…again. After all, enough classic titles actually have this problem, Ultimate X-men was developed as a completely new continuity to solve this-the main continuity had the characters too old by now.

I babble too much.

by missjanine

21 years, 7 months ago

I made a post in the other Timeline topic about some info I pulled out of the GB1 movie novelization. Since I don't have the time right now to move it here (darn job!), I'll just say it might fit into the Timeline, since it's info on Peter, Ray and Egon's families.