That's some great stuff you got there on the site Fritz. But my question is how can you fit all those guys into one fanfiction? Wouldn't that cause some members to get shorted their on screen time?
Yeah, it can be a problem. Which is why the ten members are divided into two subteams, which work more or less independantly except for Really Big Stories. It's kinda like the Gold Team/Blue Team deal in X-Men…
North Team:
Dr. Joey Willams (Ludicris)–Overall CEO and North Team Captain
Dr. Fritz Baugh (me)
Dr. Robert Griffiths (Proton User)
Jeremy Hicks (egon901)
John Lipsyte
South Team:
Dr. Kyle Stevens–South Team Co-Captain
Dr. Andy Harness–South Team Co-Captain
Micheal Chad (Chadderbox)
Dr. Jeff Chrismer (RazorsEdge)
Peter Kong
Dr. Ron Daniels (Jesusfreak) is a Mobile Agent–he appears whenever he has the time and goes wherever needed
The last two members of the organization are supporting characters, attached to the team as a whole.
Dr. Nathaniel Masterson (Otter)–Head Engineer
Chelsea Aberdeen–Business Manager.
I hope to have some new stories posted soon, from Ludicris, Otter, and RazorsEdge–one by Kyle is already on GBN (“GBWC: Stevens Go Smash?” in the GB Crossover section)