The new Ghostbusters West Coast web site

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

With the invaluable assistance of Jesusfreak, the Ghostbusters West Coast website is now up and running.

It features:

Profiles on all members of the team, including our newest member (whom I will not mention here: go see for yourself!)

Our complete Case Files, including all chapters of “Opening Night” and more to come very very soon…

Information about our equipment, the Proton Pack Mark 4 and the PKE Meter 3.0, as well as our vehicles the ECTO-1N and ECTO-1S

So drop by and have a look. Dedicated to protecing Los Angeles, San Diego, and of course California's Beautiful San Fernando Valley. from ghosts, hobgoblins, werewolves, jackals in hoodies, and any other paranormal menace. Because..Like, We Are Totally Ready to Believe You (^_^)

by cj1

21 years, 3 months ago

That's some great stuff you got there on the site Fritz. But my question is how can you fit all those guys into one fanfiction? Wouldn't that cause some members to get shorted their on screen time?

by missygirl8520001

21 years, 3 months ago

Yeah. :-) Great job on the website Fritz. Keep up the excellent work on the site as I checked it out I think it's nice.

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

That's some great stuff you got there on the site Fritz. But my question is how can you fit all those guys into one fanfiction? Wouldn't that cause some members to get shorted their on screen time?

Yeah, it can be a problem. Which is why the ten members are divided into two subteams, which work more or less independantly except for Really Big Stories. It's kinda like the Gold Team/Blue Team deal in X-Men…

North Team:
Dr. Joey Willams (Ludicris)–Overall CEO and North Team Captain
Dr. Fritz Baugh (me)
Dr. Robert Griffiths (Proton User)
Jeremy Hicks (egon901)
John Lipsyte

South Team:
Dr. Kyle Stevens–South Team Co-Captain
Dr. Andy Harness–South Team Co-Captain
Micheal Chad (Chadderbox)
Dr. Jeff Chrismer (RazorsEdge)
Peter Kong

Dr. Ron Daniels (Jesusfreak) is a Mobile Agent–he appears whenever he has the time and goes wherever needed

The last two members of the organization are supporting characters, attached to the team as a whole.
Dr. Nathaniel Masterson (Otter)–Head Engineer
Chelsea Aberdeen–Business Manager.

I hope to have some new stories posted soon, from Ludicris, Otter, and RazorsEdge–one by Kyle is already on GBN (“GBWC: Stevens Go Smash?” in the GB Crossover section)

by cj1

21 years, 3 months ago

Oh . Well, I don't see the new GBWC fic up on GBN, so Ill check it on your website.

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

Cool website guys, definately gonna be a good one.

by Ludicris

21 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, hopefully Ill get a chance to submit “The Hanging Tree” over the break sometime.

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

Oh . Well, I don't see the new GBWC fic up on GBN, so Ill check it on your website.

by DocFritz

21 years, 1 month ago

Been a while, so here's what's been going on:

Case Files. Lots of GBWC fan fictions have been posted, including many that will never be submitted to

TOBIN a list of our opponents, part of the larger TOBIN network created by Will Ketcham of the MDGB

But here's the biggest news:

The Ghostbusters West Coast Message Board. That's right, now you too can ask us how, when, and why we had to blow up Planet Hollywood.

And remember, we are, as always…
Like, Totally Ready To Believe You