The New Proton Pack

by xander

18 years, 8 months ago

proton pack 2X (who is on made what shold be the next proton pack. Here's the link.

by Kingpin

18 years, 8 months ago

I'm not so sure about the Proton Pack iteself, but I like the updated gun design…

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 8 months ago

yea the guns really nice

the pack is kind of akward but its really sweet too

nice work (*peter)

by Spanish_GB

18 years, 8 months ago

A cool proton pack! But I hope, if there's a GB3, that they don't change the original equipment!!

Hey, what do you think? Will they change them for new packs in the 3rd movie?

by secrecyguy

18 years, 8 months ago

Looks like a combination of the original proton packs of Ghostbusters mixed with the proton pack of the Extreme Ghostbusters.

by drraystanz

18 years, 8 months ago

I like the gun….but the pack is too bulky and realistically would be heavier. If they were to upgrade the equipment it would be lighter and smaller, if anything.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 8 months ago

Well I for one, don't like the design of the pack itself at all. The gun is interesting, and still has the feeling of the old gun, moreso than the pack does to the old pack.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 8 months ago

A cool proton pack! But I hope, if there's a GB3, that they don't change the original equipment!!

Hey, what do you think? Will they change them for new packs in the 3rd movie?

In my opinion, I think they will change it. I don't think we will see major changes in it though. Probably a few changes and make it look more updated.

by back

18 years, 8 months ago

Im not too hot on the pack itself, but like Kingpin noted…
I love the new gun design!!!
im gone.

by Ectofiend

18 years, 8 months ago

*Personally I didn't like it…Too bulky, and if sopmething's not broke - Why fix it?… (*peter) …

*That and I've never understood people's fascination with slapping the GB logo on everything equipment-related…The logo on the uniform, Ectomobile, and HQ is enough if you ask me…

*Having said that, the “radiation” symbol is pretty cool - I've always loved those
