The new recruit

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

The new recruit is just named “Rookie” because the he plays. He is the Experimental Equipment Technician. He is the first to try out new equipment.

The history behind this is that Egon is making new equipment to handle larger ghost and beings. They recruited one guy before the guy in the game and got to know him. That guy supposedly got severely injured from the experiments and all the time with him was wasted. They choose not to “learn” about the new guy because they have a feeling he is not going to last long. Kind of mean to say, but it work for the reasons of this game.

1. You get new stuff
2. you see all the action from another point of view like being apart of the movie while watching the masters at work.
3. You get to fight ghosts either way.

The Ghostbusters are also short handed at the moment so they need you to take some of the slack. Chances are they are not hiring hundreds of people at the time

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

Scott Sommer;133290
The new recruit is just named “Rookie” because the he plays. He is the Experimental Equipment Technician. He is the first to try out new equipment.

The history behind this is that Egon is making new equipment to handle larger ghost and beings. They recruited one guy before the guy in the game and got to know him. That guy supposedly got severely injured from the experiments and all the time with him was wasted. They choose not to “learn” about the new guy because they have a feeling he is not going to last long. Kind of mean to say, but it work for the reasons of this game.

1. You get new stuff
2. you see all the action from another point of view like being apart of the movie while watching the masters at work.
3. You get to fight ghosts either way.

The Ghostbusters are also short handed at the moment so they need you to take some of the slack. Chances are they are not hiring hundreds of people at the time

Where exactly did you hear that there was a previous equipment technician that got severely injured? I haven't heard that part of the story yet. I heard that the new recruit is the new GB and that he is the equipment technician, sure… but the fact that someone came before him is new to me.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 2 months ago

Doctor Venkman;133292
Where exactly did you hear that there was a previous equipment technician that got severely injured? I haven't heard that part of the story yet. I heard that the new recruit is the new GB and that he is the equipment technician, sure… but the fact that someone came before him is new to me.
Ryan French said that jokingly in a video from Comi-Con, but even if it was a joke, it still makes sense to me.(*peter)

by pinkandblack84

16 years, 2 months ago

I think theres a few ways at looking at the “new recruit” personnally i think its for people that grew up with the series and always dreamt about becomming a Ghostbuster thus when you start the game you simply enter your own name and there it is your a Ghostbuster in training type deal.

I tend to lean towards that mixed in that there could be a long running joke within the game that just as your are about to talk about yourself, give your name to others or whenever your presence as the “New Recruit” is brought up Venkman, Stantz or one of the boys will automatically cut you off in some fashion that would be pretty funny imo.

But whatever the case i just can't wait to find out for myself lol.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

Ryan French said that jokingly in a video from Comi-Con, but even if it was a joke, it still makes sense to me.(*peter)

Yeah. I took that as being the canon part and sense it makes sense and fits well, I am going to leave it at that. It does explain a few things while not exactly spoiling anything. So it works for me.

It makes things funny when you don;t give the guy a name. Like the line Dan makes “And that's your cue killer.”

by theo1361

16 years, 2 months ago

I think theres a few ways at looking at the “new recruit” personnally i think its for people that grew up with the series and always dreamt about becomming a Ghostbuster thus when you start the game you simply enter your own name and there it is your a Ghostbuster in training type deal.

I tend to lean towards that mixed in that there could be a long running joke within the game that just as your are about to talk about yourself, give your name to others or whenever your presence as the “New Recruit” is brought up Venkman, Stantz or one of the boys will automatically cut you off in some fashion that would be pretty funny imo.

But whatever the case i just can't wait to find out for myself lol.

my thoughts exactly i mean who would want to play as stanz, venkman, ect. we know who they are and how they are it might make the game kinda boring but the new recruit gives the players a great connection to the story

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

I tend to lean towards that mixed in that there could be a long running joke within the game that just as your are about to talk about yourself, give your name to others or whenever your presence as the “New Recruit” is brought up Venkman, Stantz or one of the boys will automatically cut you off in some fashion that would be pretty funny imo.

Stanz: “And that's your cue killer”

Rookie: *sighs angrily* “I am going to tell you one last time. My name is…”

Venkman: “Kid, we are not being paid by the hour. The longer you talk, the longer we have to stand here. Why don't you just do your thing so we can go home.”

Rookie: *says aside to himself* “Stupid Venkman….always got to do the dirty work….tired of this crap…”

Stanz: “I think you crossed the streams on that one Peter.”

Venkman: “It's a good learning experience for kid. Not everyone can be as famous as me.”

by Sp9543

16 years, 2 months ago

I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere down the line the Ghostbusters finally branched out as a business with the Rookie heading another team in a different location.

I would imagine this to be the case as well. GB games without the cast could happen, and this would most likely be part of the story line.

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

i am fully behind the ‘create your own GB’ idea, this is the first game so fair enough we needa get used to everything and what it brings, but the 2nd game we should be able to create our own buster and he starts out as a rookie, and the original crew mentor you, and you go through the franchise making yourself a true GB legend just like venkman,ray,egon and winston,

hell if it works like that, maybe at some point in the furture of the game we could get to start our own team and be the leader, and have egon and ray being the ones making you the new things and stuff but giving you the missions, i dont no just an idea, but i am soo glad dan and harold want this game to be a franchise exellent, and the reason was cool to ‘dan is like a kid at christmas when it comes to ghostbusters, after all this is his baby’ and a movie is apparently in the making ALL RUMOURS of course, but ramis confirmed the two young dudes who write the office are doin the script, and they said something about egon and ray only playing as mentors for younger busters, if so, OSCAR WILL BE 1

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

and a movie is apparently in the making ALL RUMOURS of course, but ramis confirmed the two young dudes who write the office are doin the script, and they said something about egon and ray only playing as mentors for younger busters, if so, OSCAR WILL BE 1

It hasn't been said that it will only be Ray and Egon being mentors, and nothing has been said from reputable sources who any of the new recruits will be, if there are any, let alone that Oscar will be one.