16 years, 1 month ago
16 years, 1 month ago
16 years, 1 month ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;135799
You know, even though the Rookie is never mentioned by name…and probably is not going to be mentioned by name…I wonder what name they have for him in the backdrop.
What I mean is, that sense this game is canon, does the rookie have a real name? If so, I wonder what it is or what Dan or whoever thought of.
16 years ago
Doctor Venkman;135805
I think the Rookie having a real name would defeat the purpose. Its supposed to feel like you're the Rookie. If they give him a name, then its not like the Rookie is you, it gives him an actual identity, which defeats the purpose.
And what do you mean “in the backdrop”?
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;135810
I don't know, call me crazy, but I can immerse myself into a character even if he had an image and a name.
16 years ago
Doctor Venkman;135816
I'm not saying its impossible to do that. I'm saying the point of the game has always been “You're the 5th Ghostbuster!” That's what its being marketed as. You get to play as yourself, as a rookie on the Ghostbusters team.
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;135821
Like I said, it is harder to immerse myself into thinking the rookie is me, when the rookie doesn't even remotely look like me.
Like I said, what is worse giving him a name or giving him a face?
No offense to you Doctor Venkman, but I don't how you can say that giving a name ruins the connection between me believing I was the 5th ghostbusters, yet giving him a face that doesn't resemble you doesn't ruin it? I am confused by that one.
I am not complaining and I am not saying it is a bad thing, but if immersion is key then it would have been better to not give him a face at all.
It is hard to give a character a face and still say “this is you,” because if it doesn't look like you, then you have a problem.
16 years ago
Doctor Venkman;135822
Given that you're most popular view of the Rookie is from behind, and that you don't see his face that often, its not that hard. Hence the “first person shooter” view that you have. It puts you into the “first person” which in this case is supposed to be yourself.
'm not saying you never see him and that its easy to immerse yourself in the character, and that he looks general enough to be anybody, cuz we all look different. But giving him a backstory and a name clearly ruins the connection between believing you are the 5th Ghostbuster. The less we know about the character the better in order to believe that we are him and he is us.