The new recruit

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Scott Sommer;135827
This game is not a first person shooter. It's a third person shooter.

First Person Shooter (FPS) are distinguished by a first person perspective, that renders the game world from the visual perspective of the player character.

Third-person shooter (TPS) is a genre of 3D action games in which the player character is visible on-screen, and the gameplay consists primarily of shooting. Though shooting games have traditionally been third-person, the term “third-person shooter” came into use after the widespread popularity of first-person shooters, in order to distinguish them from their counterparts

Yes, that is what I meant. I don't play many video games, and got it wrong. My bad.

Scott Sommer;135827
But then you defeat the purpose of a “character.” If he has no name, no life (aka backstory of any kind), and no soul then he had no character.

Even the most simple of characters have a backstory. Even a simple one like “The rookie is named John Smith who moved to New York for opportunity and found one with the Ghostbusters. Little did he know that opportunity knocked back.” See and I made that up in less than 5 minutes. Doesn't have to be complicated or deep, just to set him up as a character. If he just popped into the scene from out of no where and no one explains how he got there then you lose connection with them.

If you take took much away from the character, then you have no character. Why is he here? Where did he come from? Why did he join the Ghostbusters? Was there no other job openings? Did he want to be something else?

On the contrary. If you're believing that the new recruit is you, than this story is different depending on who is playing the video game, which I like.

Oh, and thanks for not attaching any definitions for me this time. Glad to know you think I could handle all the big words you used.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Which is the entire point of static bland characters such as that. You are the character. Your backstory for him is the backstory for him.

by demonaz

16 years ago

Which is the entire point of static bland characters such as that. You are the character. Your backstory for him is the backstory for him.

It's so simple it's genius. A lot of game developers fail to do this.

by lionheart1

16 years ago

I always prefer silent protagonists in games. Most of the time when the character I'm playing as talks, I get annoyed with his or her overly repeated phrases. I'm looking at you, Tommy Vercetti. There are obviously exceptions (Solid Snake), but I love characters that don't say much like Link and Samus the most.

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 12 months ago

Doctor Venkman;135816
I'm not saying its impossible to do that. I'm saying the point of the game has always been “You're the 5th Ghostbuster!” That's what its being marketed as. You get to play as yourself, as a rookie on the Ghostbusters team.

The thing I don't like is that you can't customize the rookie to match how you actually look.

That'd be awesome.