The Official Ghostbusters 3 petition!

by xenepp1

19 years, 3 months ago

So I've been working on this for quite a while now and I hope everyone likes it, the official Ghostbusters 3 petition!

I know this has been tried before, but not to great effect, plus something like this requires round the clock dedication, something I plan to put a lot of into this project.
I hope to promote this outside of the internet forums too.

Join the forum too and discuss anything GB3 related.

Hope everyone's keeping ok


by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago


I'll get this in before anyone else does. Net poles and petitions hardly ever work… and those that do are mostly by fluke.

Sony doesn't want to listen, and won't listen to us. They didn't listen to our complains about the recent DVD release… and haven't listened to us about Ghostbusters 3 for the past five+ years… it's doubtful that they'd listen now if they didn't listen then.

I don't want to get you down, but so many people come on, post that they're making a petition… and are so damn enthusiastic about it… that I don't want you to invest a lot of time into it and get nothing back in return.

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 3 months ago


I'll get this in before anyone else does. Net poles and petitions hardly ever work… and those that do are mostly by fluke.

Sony doesn't want to listen, and won't listen to us. They didn't listen to our complains about the recent DVD release… and haven't listened to us about Ghostbusters 3 for the past five+ years… it's doubtful that they'd listen now if they didn't listen then.

I don't want to get you down, but so many people come on, post that they're making a petition… and are so damn enthusiastic about it… that I don't want you to invest a lot of time into it and get nothing back in return.

He has a point….but since you put your time into it….I'll sign it for the hell of it…

by fusi0n1

19 years, 3 months ago

What the heck, I'll sign it. Hasn't been one for a while, and if someone wants to put some time into keep it going, let's see how many it will actually get.

by xenepp1

19 years, 3 months ago

I'll get this in before anyone else does. Net poles and petitions hardly ever work… and those that do are mostly by fluke.

That's because they weren't done properly

Advertising your petitions's the key. A little media attention doesn't hurt either. All you needs the right angle and I have a few tricks up my sleve yet

I do understand your view though, seeing other petitions makes you think they are a waste of time, but wouldn't it be nice if something happened? Even if Sony were to acknowledge it's existance.

Thanks for the support so far guys!


by matthew1

19 years, 3 months ago

Signed it!

Fingers crossed!

by xenepp1

19 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Matthew!


by gbmasterman

19 years, 3 months ago

I could trust what Xen is doing more so than if some guy popped out of nowhere with a post like this. I believe he will stick to his word and try to make this work. I've seen him (as I'm sure Ben has too) around Proptopia, and other places so he isn't new to the Ghostbusters community. I'll sign it too Xen.

by xenepp1

19 years, 3 months ago

Thanks gbmasterman!


by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

I could trust what Xen is doing more so than if some guy popped out of nowhere with a post like this. I believe he will stick to his word and try to make this work. I've seen him (as I'm sure Ben has too) around Proptopia, and other places so he isn't new to the Ghostbusters community. I'll sign it too Xen.

I thought his name was familiar.

That's because they weren't done properly

Advertising your petitions's the key. A little media attention doesn't hurt either. All you needs the right angle and I have a few tricks up my sleve yet

I do understand your view though, seeing other petitions makes you think they are a waste of time, but wouldn't it be nice if something happened? Even if Sony were to acknowledge it's existance.

Well, I wish you luck… but unless you have a stella plan set out for advertising… I'm not sure how different from the other polls it will be.