The Official Ghostbusters 3 petition!

by Jey

19 years, 3 months ago

Signed it !
Good luck man!

Just a little tip:


and you get a pretty banner for Message Boards.

by xenepp1

19 years, 3 months ago

Well, I wish you luck… but unless you have a stella plan set out for advertising… I'm not sure how different from the other polls it will be.

Stella ‘aint the word!!

Jey, I didn’t even notice my sig banner didn't work! Doh! Thanks man!


by ghostbusters2131

19 years, 3 months ago

Already signed… I was the sign number 8 :-)

by ecto_plasmic1

19 years, 3 months ago

signed.. it's not gonna happen.. but still signed..

by sinister1

19 years, 3 months ago

Moved to GB3 Forum.

by recluseegghead

19 years, 3 months ago

Why dont you guys make your own film, have a bunch of people come together with enough money and practice on acting, I mean practice a lot to become well versed in acting and then develop your own film, people on trekunited are doing that sort of thing but the fan films acting on trekunited is not very good but that can be fixed just work very hard at acting and you'll prevail.

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 2 months ago

I just want let you know that I have the link to your GB3 petition promoted on my website. So I guess if anyone visits my website they can go to and sign the petiton. Its looking pretty good so far…

by xenepp1

19 years, 2 months ago

Thanks! Great to hear of more support!

Why dont you guys make your own film, have a bunch of people come together with enough money and practice on acting, I mean practice a lot to become well versed in acting and then develop your own film, people on trekunited are doing that sort of thing but the fan films acting on trekunited is not very good but that can be fixed just work very hard at acting and you'll prevail.

Thanks for the inspiring words, I've been interested in the fan film aspect for ages, but the point of this petition is to genenrate interest on Sony's belhalf for the possability of a third official moive. I'm not saying this will seal the deal, but I hope eventually, it'll prove the interest in the franchise is very much alive.

Incidently, I am almost finnished sorting out flyers and other promotional material to get the word out on the website. I'll post here and of course on the website once I have everything ready so if you feel so inclined, you can deposite flyers at venues that are happy to have them such as local cinemas and I'll be happy to post nice printed flyers to any kind folk that want to help.

Thanks again guys, the support so far's been awsome


by Egons_girlfriend24

19 years, 2 months ago

I shall sign it… but it seems the way things are going. It will never happen. damnit we deserve a trilogy. I wish they make up there minds and make the movie.

ROSLEE (*janine) (*rant)

by EnglishGhostbusterFan

18 years, 11 months ago

Hi I am New too the Board,I am a massive Ghostbusters Fan,I have voted on your Petition Hopefully number III will be made oneday. (^_^)